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 END TIME EVENTS AND PROPHECY  A DEEPER LOOK.  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  The place: Jerusalem The time: the fist half of the 70th week of Daniel.

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Presentation on theme: " END TIME EVENTS AND PROPHECY  A DEEPER LOOK.  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  The place: Jerusalem The time: the fist half of the 70th week of Daniel."— Presentation transcript:


2  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  The place: Jerusalem The time: the fist half of the 70th week of Daniel Israel has a restored Temple Distinction between Jews and Gentiles reappearing Begins on the earth but ends in heaven Chapters 11-14 are parenthetical between 6 th & 7 th trumpet The 7 th trumpet will signal the completion of the wrath of God (15:1)

3  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  The rebuilding of the Temple is required, Matt 24:15, 2 Thess 2:4, Rev 11:1, 2 Temple: naos ; holy place (vs. heiron, temple area as a whole) Measuring rod: (shevet) Ps 64:2; Jer 10:16; 51:19 In Revelation, an instrument of chastisement (2:27; 12:5; 19:15) Measurements indicate preamble to judgment (Jer 31:38-39; Zech 2) Preamble to destruction: Lam 2:8; 2 Kgs 21:13; Isa 34:11; Amos 7:8 Preparation of the Lord’s coming to dwell on earth, Ez 40:2, Zech 2:1,2

4  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  The Temple of God – How many? 1.Tabernacle 2.Solomon’s Temple 3.Zerubbabel’s Temple 4.Herod’s Temple (“2nd Temple”) 5.“3rd” Temple 6.Millennial Temple 7.Heaven

5  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  How Long? Half of the (70th) week of years - Dan 9:27; Rev 12:14 1260 days (1st half) - Rev 11:3; 12:6 42 months (2nd half) - Rev 11:2; 13:5 Time, times, the dividing of time, a dual - Dan 7:25; 12:7, Rev 12:14, Dan 4:16, 23, 25

6  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  “ The two witnesses of mine”: emphatic construction. Joshua sends only two on a mission Two: Required number of witnesses before the law (Deut 17:6; Mt 18:16) After resurrection – Luke 24:4 At the ascension – Acts 1:10 Transfiguration - Lk 9:31, Matt 17:3 “Sackcloth”: Speaks of the law rather than grace; repentance. Everything here speaks of the OT

7  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  Who are they? Traditionally the Jews were expecting three Messiah – Jn 1:20, Mal 3:1-3, 5,6 Elijah – Jn 1:21, Mal 4:5,6 Moses – Jn 1:21, Deut 18:15-19 Two unfinished ministries: Moses - Num 20:12; Deut 3:26-28 Elijah - 1 Kgs 17:1; 19:13-16; 2 Kgs 2:11 At Transfiguration - Lk 9:31; 24:4-7; 1 Pet 1:10-12; 2 Pet 1:6-18

8  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  Unique Powers Call down fire from heaven Shut heaven, no rain Turn water into blood Smite earth with plagues Elijah - 1 Kgs 18:37; 2 Kgs 1:10,12; Jer 5:14 Elijah - 1 Kgs 17:1; Lk 4:25; Jas 5:17,18 Moses - Ex 7:19,20 Moses - Ex 8 – 12

9  SESSION 2.3 – THE TWO WITNESSES  Alternatives Enoch? “Once to die is a general rule - Heb 9:27 Lazarus, Jn 11, 12:1 Jairus’ daughter, Luke 8:50-56 Nain’s son, Luke 7:11-15 Eutychus, Acts 20:9-11 John the Baptist? – Denied Jn 1:20-21 John, the Apostle the writer of Revelation?


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