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J & H Automotive “Fast, Reliable Service… Guaranteed”

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Presentation on theme: "J & H Automotive “Fast, Reliable Service… Guaranteed”"— Presentation transcript:

1 J & H Automotive “Fast, Reliable Service… Guaranteed”

2 J & H Automotive is an automotive repair shop. We currently employ 5 people, 3 of which are shop technicians, 1 parts manager, and one office manager. There will be a total of 4 computers for use by the above employees for the purpose of running this business smoothly.

3 What we need… The following specifications have been identified as to what is needed… P4 - 3.0GHz Processor 512MB to 1 GB RAM 80 GB Hard Drive CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive 17” Flat Panel LCD Monitor 10/100 Broadcom Extreme NIC Keyboard Optical mouse Networkable printer for anticipated growth in the future

4 The Comparables After extensive research, the following comparables were found that could be used for this business - - Gateway E-4500S - $1,307.97 P4 – 3.0GHz Processor with HT technology, BTX design, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD, 17” flat panel monitor Dell Precision 470 - $1,946.00 Intel Xeon 3.0GHz Processor, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD, 17” flat panel monitor HP Compaq dc7600 - $1,085.00 P4 – 3.0GHz Processor, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD, 17” flat panel monitor

5 The Comparables (continued)…


7 Total Cost The Gateway 4500S is the choice computer for this business. Total cost plus printer as follows: 5 computers @ $1,307.97 = $6,539.85 1 networkable printer @ $499.00 = 499.00 Grand Total = $7,038.85

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