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 Global South’s view Reality of it to this day, present with us When spiritual warfare, angels, and demons are taken out of the NT, there is not much.

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Presentation on theme: " Global South’s view Reality of it to this day, present with us When spiritual warfare, angels, and demons are taken out of the NT, there is not much."— Presentation transcript:


2  Global South’s view Reality of it to this day, present with us When spiritual warfare, angels, and demons are taken out of the NT, there is not much scripture to pay attention to  Global North’s view Past, not so much relevant to this day

3 “Doubting the existence of the devil or Satan is like doubting the existence of sin. Noticing the influence and the effect of occultism, esotericism and secret cults in our society and particularly in our institutions of higher learning, we can hardly deny the existence of demonic or devilish beings” –Olusegen Obasanjo (former president of Nigeria)

4 The previous converts let their past influence their mindset now that they are Christians. For instance, in Nigeria the rapid growth of Christianity was people coming from an animist or ethnoreligionist background. Even Korean and Chinese Christians had backgrounds of Buddhist and shamanistic faiths. This backgrounds lead to an understanding of the sorcery, spirit healers, and spiritual warfare.

5  Natural disasters, war, genocide…many view as God’s wrath toward a nation. Especially those in the South who live in these conditions all the time. North are not against this theory, but not as many think back to the OT where God’s wrath is really shown.  Jenkin’s seems to focus on the existence of evil forces in a more spiritual sense as it has a major effect on the control of human begins.  This should be an incentive to show people the resource we have in believing in Jesus Christ to help deliver people from evil. “Jesus defeated death and sin not just in this world, but in any conceivable realm of spirits or ancestors” (103).

6  One such story that is preached often in the global South is the story of the Jesus’ casting of the demon spirits to the pigs in Luke 8:26-39. Shows the healing miracles of Jesus and his interaction with demons and spirits. Helps to understand the concept of evil and its power, but shows the greater power of Jesus.

7  The South believe that demonic spirits are real and are real in people. Exorcism is something practiced often with the help of scripture. The arming of scripture with the power of Jesus Christ gives hope to the many who fear evil. Jenkin’s mentions Psalm 91 as scripture that is often associated with demonic presences. It is often quoted and proven to be miraculous in it’s power.

8  When it comes to the night time, where there is no light, evil forces are said to be most active. Christ is associated with light. In the global South, electricity may be available for some places and this is a very vulnerable time. Yet Christians hold prayer meetings at night to show the victory of Christ over the darkness. The global North might be understand what complete darkness feels like

9 “The African Christian is fearful: fear of the environment, fear of the neighbors, fear of sorcerers. Only Jesus Christ can free him” –Cameroonian bishop

10  A major struggle for many in the global South is the idea of witchcraft, as it is a threat to the minds of the people. The idea of it being Devil worship and how much it turns hearts away from God  “Jesus by his death and resurrection has triumphed over all principalities and powers and is therefore able to offer perfect protection against any of them on behalf of those who seek refuge in him” (125).  His belief is that it might be best for witchcraft to enter into religious structures so that it can be helped to control their belief system.

11  A huge part of the global South culture is the focus on ancestral past and its influence on the future, particularly relating to sin. Evil is something that is objective to them and a generational problem. Christians find that religion helps them to rid their problems of their past ancestors and sin  Jenkins says, “Christianity also offers the means to solve them, even for individuals whose curses or taboos seem overwhelming” (121).

12  The concept of spiritual and physical healing is something that global South residents pay close attention to. Many are suffering from one of both of these and that is why Jesus is so attractive to them, because of his ministry.  Jesus’ superiority to the traditional healers gives churches an added weapon to fighting the pagan and primal faiths where many Christians turn to in times of crisis.  It is many healing ministries that expanded Christianity in the global South and is considered a major part of the conversion and testimony of the people

13  The global North tends to doubt the powers people can have in realm of healing. For some this may be true, as eisegesis (reading one’s own meaning into a particular text) is an issue. Jenkin says that healing texts are faithful though to the scripture. He says that a close study of Jesus’ healing ministry and James’ instructions for spiritual healing is where we should start.  Churches sometimes will try to hide claims of bogus miracles. In Nigeria, rules are set to prohibit the publicizing of miracles and healings unless there is substantial evidence and it is believable. Still, spiritual healing may be a struggle to believe in the North, but the South holds firm to the power of healing that can occur

14 Jenkin seems to bring up this concept of good versus evil, spiritual warfare, and demons to show its attractiveness to many not of the faith in Jesus Christ. The global South understands how real it actually is and how the secular world is pushing the church to this fear. The attack needs to be understood, so that the Church can be prepared and utilize the power of Jesus to overcome such crises.

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