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Using Analytics and Metrics to Turn App Users into Gold Brian G. Burton, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Digital Entertainment & Information Technology Abilene.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Analytics and Metrics to Turn App Users into Gold Brian G. Burton, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Digital Entertainment & Information Technology Abilene."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Analytics and Metrics to Turn App Users into Gold Brian G. Burton, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Digital Entertainment & Information Technology Abilene Christian University

2 Why are you here? Curious about Analytics and how it might help you Have used a few Analytics tools; would like to leverage Knowledgeable about Analytics; want to make sure you’re not missing something Just like to hear me talk

3 You Say Analytics, I say Metrics What do we mean by Analytics? – Gaining meaningful/useful information or patterns from data Analytics or Analysis? – Analytics provide a view of past usage – This data can then be analyzed to guide future decision making Data vs. Information

4 So Much Data Analytics can: Show which efforts are getting the biggest reaction Of the visits/clicks, how many are purchasing Show areas of potential growth

5 So Little Information Are you measuring what you want to measure? Understanding the Why Example: – Wii Fit – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

6 What can Metrics Tell Me? Location – Where are your users? – Should you do localization? Demographics – Age – Gender – Language Ex: U.S. Spanish speakers favor Android (47%) over iOS (4%) Source: 10/3 Triggers – X number of players reached Level 7

7 Sample 1: YouTube

8 YouTube Continued

9 YouTube (still) Continued


11 Event Data Apps: – Can record events such as In App Purchase (IAP) Does the User leave without purchasing? Did an error occur? Frequency of purchase? – Frequency of Play – Time Spent Playing – Frustration Level

12 Sample 2: Flurry



15 Data Collection: Apps for Children COPPA Requirements If app targets children under the age of 13, must have parental consent to: – Cannot collect GPS or Geo-location data – No Videos or Photos – No persistent identifiers (MAC address, Unique ID for ads) Most analytic tools now offer a COPPA compliant option

16 Parental Gate (iOS) Apple has begun requiring a parental gate. If the app is Made for Kids, you must include a Privacy Policy URL. Made for Kids apps will experience a stricter review. “Apps primarily intended for use by kids under 13 must get parental permission or use a parental gate before allowing the user to link out of the app or engage in commerce,” - Apple guidelines

17 (Incomplete) List of Metrics/Analytic Tools Website Google Analytics (free) Kissmetrics ($150 to $500/mo) Adobe Site Catalyst ($5000/mo) Web Trends (Custom Quote) Apps Amplitude (free to $1999/mo) – iOS, Android App Annie (free) – iOS, Android, Windows 8 Flurry (free) – iOS, Android, Windows 8, Blackberry, Java ME Google Mobile App Analytics (free) – iOS, Android

18 Metrics/Analytics Tools Email GraphicMail Mail Chimp Stores Amazon Apple Google Play Kobo

19 What Should I Be Looking At? What are some of the critical metrics? – Downloads – How Many Plays – Average Play time – Conversion to IAP and at what point – Platform Distribution – Ad Revenue – Events – Reviews

20 Sample 3: Flurry


22 Start Getting Data Website – Sign-up for service (such as Google Analytics). – Add a code snippet to your HTML Apps – Must be internet enabled – Use API Will include a personal key Can create event triggers that are tracked

23 A Starting Point Use data gathered to form your surveys Use analytics in combination with other feedback such as forums, customer feedback, surveys, focus groups, etc. Work with a Sociologist to help determine the next step in the types of data to gather to gain meaningful understanding.

24 Brian G. Burton, Ed.D. Email: Twitter: @DrBrianBurton Website: YouTube: University contact: Office: 325-674-6989

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