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Psychoanalytic and Learning Approach. Homework-Create a Matching Sheet Review the notes taken since last quiz (Motivation, Emotion, and Personality) Pick.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychoanalytic and Learning Approach. Homework-Create a Matching Sheet Review the notes taken since last quiz (Motivation, Emotion, and Personality) Pick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychoanalytic and Learning Approach

2 Homework-Create a Matching Sheet Review the notes taken since last quiz (Motivation, Emotion, and Personality) Pick the fifteen of the most important vocabulary terms and create a matching sheet (be sure to leave spaces so letters can be written next to numbers-no crisscrossing lines)

3 Warm Up Write down 3 Freudian ideas that you remember from when we last talked about Freud

4 Learning Objectives -Retain prior knowledge about Freud and his theories -Analyze defense mechanisms -Build connections to your own lives

5 Remembering Freud Worksheet Fill out the worksheet on Sigmund Freud

6 Independent Thinking and Class Discussion Freud: Childhood Events and Experiences can impact people more than just your childhood years 1.Based on your own childhood experiences and events do you agree with this? Why or why not? 2.If you agree with this, write down 3 childhood experiences and events that still impact you and be prepared to share how they impact you 3.If you don’t agree with this, write down 3 major childhood experiences and events that don’t impact you, but should have

7 Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanisms: ways that the ego avoids recognizing emotions and ideas that cause anxiety or discomfort What were some defense mechanisms that you identified in your life? What were some defense mechanisms that other people identified in their lives? Are defense mechanisms good or bad? How can they impact people solving their problems in life?

8 Defense Mechanisms Repression- removes ideas that cause anxiety from your conscious state by pushing them into your unconscious state Rationalization- use of self-deception to justify unacceptable behavior Displacement- transfer of a threatening idea or impulse to a less threatening idea or impulse Regression- returning to a behavior that is usually part of an earlier stage of development

9 Defense Mechanisms in the Media ure=iv&list=PL210BD296981F9245&src_vid=ISTPRoBW2sc&v=JITv11rctGg 1.What kind of Defense Mechanism is he using to justify being an Arms Dealer? 2.Do you think he is delusional? Why or why not? 3.What is his ID saying? What is his Ego saying? What is his Superego saying? Which one is he listening to?

10 Defense Mechanisms in the Media 1.What is the Defense Mechanism that they are talking about? 2.Why did Will develop this Defense Mechanism? 3.Do you know people who have this Defense Mechanism? How does it impact their lives? 4.Create a treatment plan for someone who has created this defense mechanism. List 10 things that you would try to talk about/put into place to help them combat this defense mechanism

11 Different Defense Mechanisms Projection-seeing faults in other people that are really your own Reaction Formation- in order to keep true feelings hidden, people act in the opposite way they are feeling Denial- refusing to accept the reality of anything that is bad or upsetting Sublimation- channeling basic impulses into socially acceptable behavior

12 You Create the Examples-Gallery Walk 1. Write down a real life example for each defense mechanism (not in the same order that we took notes) 2. Answer which defense mechanism would best fit into each example on a separate sheet of paper 3. Walk around the class, and write down the correct defense mechanism for each person’s examples

13 Check for Understanding Pretend you didn’t do your psychology homework…for each defense mechanism, write down an example of what someone might say to avoid anxiety or discomfort

14 Warm Up Which childhood years do you think most impacts people in their adolescence and adulthood? Why do you think these childhood years are so impactful upon people’s lives?

15 Homework-Matching Sheet Review the notes taken since last quiz (Motivation, Emotion, and Personality) Pick the fifteen of the most important vocabulary terms and create a matching sheet (be sure to leave spaces so letters can be written next to numbers-no crisscrossing lines)

16 Learning Objectives Synthesize material from Motivation-Personality Analyze Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Build Connections to own lives

17 Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development Read the article, and then, fill in the chart on the last page for each stage of development

18 Jeopardy

19 Kahoot.IT

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