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WP5: Analysis and Review Possible answers By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Helsinki - Finland, 9 th June 2016, EMODnet Chemistry 3 rd and final.

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Presentation on theme: "WP5: Analysis and Review Possible answers By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Helsinki - Finland, 9 th June 2016, EMODnet Chemistry 3 rd and final."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP5: Analysis and Review Possible answers By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Helsinki - Finland, 9 th June 2016, EMODnet Chemistry 3 rd and final Plenary Meeting

2 (1) The main barriers to the provision of data by data holders => prepare a plan outlining how to overcome those barriers. Data policy Scientific moratorium Willingness of providers Costs for preparing data deliveries Legal constraints Technology ….. EMODNet Chemistry – analysis of the lessons learned

3 (1) The main barriers to the provision of data by data holders => prepare a plan outlining how to overcome those barriers. How to overcome? CDI service gives all incl access restrictions => negotiable Change in attitude….. Motivation Science: DOIs – data publishing Link CSR – Cdis to acknowledge individual scientists Give feedback to scientists that their data is provided to EMODnet etc INSPIRE compliance – delivering to multiple systems MSFD – RSC use of EMODnet data…. …… EMODNet Chemistry – analysis of the lessons learned

4 (4) The priorities and effort required for improving the accuracy, precision and coverage of the data collated including a description of how an appropriate data quality assurance and control system can be established Accuracy: degree of closeness or trueness of observation versus nature Precision: degree to which repeated observations under unchanged conditions show the same results Note that a system can be precise but not accurate or can be accurate but not precise How to assess accuracy? Refer to presentations of Giordano and Matteo QA Loop has considerably improved Integrate Copernicus products – intercalibration – added-value Engagement of users – feedback on quality of data and products INSPIRE – O&M profile for contaminants with all relevant provenance attributes EMODNet Chemistry – analysis of the lessons learned

5 (5) The performance of the chosen portal technology in terms of speed of response, user-friendliness. Statistics Interoperability – INSPIRE Feedback from users Improve the data discovery – access mechanisms Provide more tools and services APIs on data collections – create communities around data Hackatons More engagement – SeaDataCloud ideas VRE More promotion for chemistry products More linking to university communities – include in curriculi Public products for integration in touristic sites etc – beware of historic aspect Combination of thematic portal products Cooperation with Copernicus.. EMODNet Chemistry – analysis of the lessons learned

6 Taking the outcome of the analysis a set of recommendations will be formulated describing what would be necessary for the overall EMODNet (of which the Chemistry portal would become a part) to remain as a sustained infrastructure. This will cover at least recommendations on: (1) availability of standard procedures facilitating data flow, (2) maintenance, (3) the model for governance by actors in the system, (4) the institutional setting, (5) resources required including cost.  report on the effectiveness of the system in meeting the needs of users  report on analysis of the lessons learned  set of recommendations for sustainability of the infrastructure EMODNet Chemistry – WP5: Analysis and review

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