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Education for All in the Context of Europe: Implications for Moldova International Conference on Education “Developments in the Education Sector in Moldova”

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1 Education for All in the Context of Europe: Implications for Moldova International Conference on Education “Developments in the Education Sector in Moldova” June 14-15, 2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

2 Basic Education in Europe Includes lower secondary education and touches other levels; Cannot be defined solely by the duration of mandatory education, but must be defined in terms of outcomes; Should be provided to everybody, regardless of age, social and economic background, gender and residence; Is not a mere schooling, but encompasses the learning needs of all citizens throughout life in a society that is rapidly changing.

3 Some Challenges in Eastern Europe in financial terms, expenditure on education decreased in most countries (recommended: 6% of GNP); in terms of quality of education, difficult economic conditions contributed: - to low morale and professionalism of teachers - to insufficient pedagogical equipment and materials - to deteriorating teaching premises and facilities; in terms of equity, increased family contribution led to inequality.

4 EFA Goals in Europe? Are all their children given a satisfactory early childhood care and education? Have all their children effectively attended and completed the compulsory education? Are appropriate learning opportunities provided to all young people and adults? Quality education for all and recognized learning outcomes achieved by all?

5 EFA Plan of Action in Moldova The goals and strategies of the Moldova’s EFA Plan of Action are modest, ambitious and realistic: Modest if compared with the enormous challenges to be addressed to keep up with European standards. Ambitious if examined against the current economic and fiscal conditions. Realistic if the Government with support from its partners seriously commits to EFA achievement.

6 From Targets to Reform and Actions Funding is necessary, but not sufficient condition: Commitment to reform Transparency and accountability in management. Partnerships: Government leadership and donor support.

7 Benchmarks for higher performance by 2010 (?) Reduced number of early school leavers by 10% or less. Increased number of graduates in mathematics, science and technology by at least 15%. Increased number of those having completed upper secondary education to at least 85%. Decreased percentage of low-achieving 15-year-olds in reading literacy – as measured by PISA – by 20%. Increased number of workers aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning to 12.5%. Increased per-capita investment in human resources.

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