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Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 CHAIN sustainability guidelines Dr. Ognjen.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 CHAIN sustainability guidelines Dr. Ognjen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 CHAIN sustainability guidelines Dr. Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET CHAIN workshop Beijing, September 2012

2 2 Outline  CHAIN project overview  Sustainability recommendations  Specific issues for China  Sustainability study for China

3 3 Outline  CHAIN project overview  Sustainability recommendations  Specific issues for China  Sustainability study for China

4 4 Regional Grid infrastructures CNGrid NKN & Garuda EUAsiaGrid SAGrid & SANREN GISELA

5 5 CHAIN: global coverage

6 6 Project objectives  Define a strategy and a model for external collaboration, in close collaboration with which will enable operational and organisation interfacing of EGI and external eInfrastructures  Validate this model, as a proof-of-principle, by supporting the extension and consolidation of worldwide Virtual Research Communities  Explore and propose concrete steps forward towards the coordination with other projects and initiatives (e.g., EUMEDGRID-Support, EUIndiaGrid2, LinkSCEEM2, NKN & Garuda, etc.)

7 7 Disseminate (WP5) Project workplan State of the Art Assessment (WP2) Analyse the different Regional Approaches (WP2, WP4) Make Recommendations (WP2, WP3, WP4) Involve the VRCs (WP3) Propose a Road-Map and Intermediate solutions (WP4, WP3) Demonstrate the usefulness of interoperation (WP3, WP4)

8 8 Outline  CHAIN project overview  Sustainability recommendations  Specific issues for China  Sustainability study for China

9 9 State of the art analysis  Creation of the regional and NGI questionnaires  Questionnaires being implemented and published online  Collection of contact points from all continents  Questionnaire is kept open and collection of contact points from all continents is continued  Questionnaire data provided through the CHAIN Knowledge Base

10 10 Questionnaire coverage  Clear complementarity with EGI

11 11 Questionnaire data provided through the Knowledge Base

12 12 Data analysis Number of sites and number of CPUs 12

13 13 Interoperability and interoperation recommendations  Production of D2.2  D2.2 - 1) per-continent and per-technology state of the art  D2.2 - 2) technology-oriented and region-specific recommendations  Format: “Recommendation-SerialNumber-RegionName-Term-Priority”  Example: Recommendation-2-GEN-Long-Medium: “In larger countries, work towards harmonising the various initiatives, with the emphasis on producing a national-level coherent strategy for the development of DCIs”

14 14 WP2 Recommendations  74 Detailed recommendations classified by:  Short (1 year), Medium (3 years) and Long term (5 years)  High, Medium, Low priority  National Grid Initiatives (9):  General (5); Regional (4)  Interoperations (14):  General (1), ROC (3), User Support (1), Monitoring (3), Security (2), Core Services (2); Middleware (2)  Interoperability (2): General (1), Input/Output (1)  Virtual Research Communities’ Perspective: General (2)  Regional Planning (47):  Africa (9), Asia Pacific (6), Central Asia (5), China (7), India (4), Latin America (5), Mediterranean & Arab Countries (11)

15 15 Outline  CHAIN project overview  Sustainability recommendations  Specific issues for China  Sustainability study for China

16 16 Recommendations: General  In larger countries, work towards harmonising the various initiatives, with the emphasis on producing a national-level coherent strategy for the development of DCIs.  Activities of CAS envisage development of cloud computing and those of Ministry of Science and Technology envisage a 5-year plan to include cloud computing activities. This should be harmonised with existing Grid activities and envisaged to be merged in common platform.

17 17 Recommendations: General  In all regions, progress from JRU model on regional level through to establishing a dedicated legal body and financial model.  JRU by Beihang University (BUAA), Peking University, the Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Computing Network Information Centre of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The current JRU is regarded as the first step to establish a wider one. The JRU actively interact with China National Grid Operation and Management Centre, the operation centre of CNGrid. The operation centre is responsible to coordinate the daily operation of CNGrid. But every CNGrid site has to be financed itself by various funding resources. The JRU worked the CNGrid to investigate the model to ensure the sustainable development of the distributed computing infrastructure including the upgrade of resources of computing and network links.

18 18 Outline  CHAIN project overview  Sustainability recommendations  Specific issues for China  Sustainability study for China

19 19 Sustainability study for China  Internal audit points:  Major users  Directional Policy Matrix

20 20 Sustainability study for China  Internal audit points:  Scattered funding for CNGrid, no coherent scheme  Need for inclusion of legacy Grid computing into new HPC and cloud 5-year plan

21 21 Sustainability study for China  SWOT Analysis highlights:  S: Large know how; growing demand, range of applications, governmental support, international projects  W: unstable funding  O: emerging science gateways, increased applications portfolio, and user base international collaboration,  T: Problems with including new trends such as cloud computing and HPC.

22 22 Summary  High rate of development in China  Need to increase policy-makers awareness  Need to harmonize existing and emerging DCI solutions  CHAIN-REDS will encompass cloud computing activities

23 Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures Research Infrastructures – Grant Agreement n. 260011 Thank you

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