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Skälbyskolan have children and pupils from 1 to 12 year. We have 470 pupils in school and 120 children in preschool. 105 people works in the school every.

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Presentation on theme: "Skälbyskolan have children and pupils from 1 to 12 year. We have 470 pupils in school and 120 children in preschool. 105 people works in the school every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skälbyskolan have children and pupils from 1 to 12 year. We have 470 pupils in school and 120 children in preschool. 105 people works in the school every day. Maria Mitra Ekström is head of the school, Malin Hallgren Keller and Anna Thuresson are deputy heads.

2 * What were our aims? * To inspire future leaders. * To inspire to take responsibility. * To discuss leadership in many situations. * To have employees with clear and engaged leadership.

3 * What did we do? * We let different people try leadership by circulating in different groups one year at time. In "verksamhetsgruppen" the employee represents its colleagues and is also a leader and is responsible for the development of the group. * We encourage to take responsibility and initiative in different tasks around the schools development. The team leader is also a pipeline between the team and the heads. They lead the team to make decisions about support to the pupils and staff allocation. * We also have started a "development group". In the group there are employees that have shown that they are interested in development, and are capable to handle and process there questions. Our "advanced skills teacher" is part of this group.



6 Spring 2013First Meetings about the projekt March job shadowing, from UK Fall 2013Involving the leader team Inspiring more employees to get involved and take responibility Oktober visit from Uk Oktober job shadowing from Sweden December Meetings in Uk Spring 2014Information about our experiences in UK in pre and primary school. Rutin changes, inspired by UK Schooles Diskussions about different kind of leadership. Initiating new groups among the staff Fall 2015A new "Meetings structure" in the different teams and the leading groups. Both in pre an primary school. A new teamleader in one of the teams, with increesed responsibility. Spring 2015Finding more advanced skils teatcher by inspiration. Finding more leaders that are intresting in leadereducation. Evaluation

7 * Who did we involve? * Discussions with the staff about responsibility and leadership. * The result is that more employees are involved in "every day questions". * Responsibility is not leadership, but through responsibility and initiative comes leadership. * The heads are involved in less every day questions today, comparing two years ago.

8 * Some has applied to the "leadership-academy“, a leadership education in the municipality of Järfälla.

9 What were our methods/ activities? Leadership discussions, Letting the staff lead different groups (not always the heads) Coaching leadership by the heads. Leadership education The advanced skills teacher create networks between other schools. We think that the future leaders are structured, positive, clear and focused on goals. They are willing and interested in work. They like other people and are stimulated by working together with others. They have to be without prestige.

10 * Did we face any difficulties? * It's a challenge to lead colleagues. * We inspire the staff to see possibilities * It's sometimes frightening to take responsibility

11 * What are our outcomes? * We have a school development group with teachers and after-school educaters. * We have an avanced skills teacher who develop peer learning for all teachers and participation among students. * We discuss leadership among all the staff. * One employee has become a leader and he had own ideas how to lead the activity in his team. We saw that he had leadership qualities and we supported him.

12 We have a shared leadership (heads). The head is still primary responsible. The deputies has a great responsibility and are able to make there own decisions. We have openness and a lack of prestige among each other. Respect between each other pervades our leadership.

13 THANK YOU Maria and Anna How did we monitor/ evaluate? We evaluate the organization regularly together with the representatives from the Unions.

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