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By JOE, NAEJ ZTIRF, AND Apple The Sphinx at Giza is one of the most well known monuments of ancient Egypt. With the body of a cat and head of a Pharoh,

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3 The Sphinx at Giza is one of the most well known monuments of ancient Egypt. With the body of a cat and head of a Pharoh, it is 240 feet long and 66 feet wide. Carved from limestone, painted, and gilded sitting on the bank of the Nile, The Great Sphinx faces east to meet the sunrise, the symbol of rebirth and life… Archeologists believe it is based off of King Khafre because of its facial details.

4 Ramsses II The 18th dynasty came to an end with the reign of Horemheb who appointed a man named Ramsses to follow him as Pharoah and begin the 19th dynasty. This Dynasty’s 3rd king, Ramsses II had an extrodanary reign. He lived longer than any other Pharoah. He was a great self-publicist, he gave himself a great word.

5 Ra-Horakhty Horus in the horizon He is a combination of Horus and Ra He is a man with the head of a hawk, with a sindisk headress Horus is the god of the sky, Ra is the god of the sun, making Ra-Horakhty the god of the rising sun Abu Simbel is dedicated to him and one other god

6 Ra-Horakhty 2 He was seen as a falcon or falcon headed man, wearing a solar disk and double crown with the royal cobra. When this aspect was adopted into Ennead of ancient Egypt, he became Ra-Heru-Akhty. (Ra-Horakhty).

7 The Canopic jars were used for mummification.The internal organs were placed in the canopic jars. The lids of the jars looked heads. The names of the heads are Imesety, Duamutef, Hapy, and Qebehsenuef. Canopic jars were also used to protect the internal organs. They were made from limestone, calcite and alabaster. The lungs were placed in Hapy and the liver were placed Imesty. Duamutef kept the stomach and upper intestines and Qebehsenuef had the lower intestines.

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