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The Tipping Point How little things can Make a Big Difference. By Malcolm Gladwell.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tipping Point How little things can Make a Big Difference. By Malcolm Gladwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tipping Point How little things can Make a Big Difference. By Malcolm Gladwell

2 The Author : Malcolm Gladwell

3 The Characteristics  Little things can have big effect  Contagiousness (Big or Mass)  One Dramatic Moment (The change happens not gradually)

4 The tipping point characteristics Time Effect

5 Rules of Epidemic Agent CARRIER Appropriated Environment : is a function of the people who transmit infection agent in appropriated environment

6 Social Epidemic หาว …



9 The Three Rules of Contagious The Law of the few The Power of The Context The Stickiness

10 The Law of the Few  80/20 Principle : a tiny percentage of people do the majority of the work.  A handful of exceptional people

11 Paul Revere and his midnight ride  April 18, 1775  Lead to “American Revolution”  He was members of as many groups.  He was a networker and so on (59). A Connector

12 The Hush Puppies Famous  1994-1995  The classic brush-suede shoes became popular.  A handful of kids then spread to two Fashion designers. A Connector

13 Mark Alpert and his Mavenist  He knows things that the rest of us don’t.  He solves his own problems – his own emotion needs by solving other people’s problem.  A wonderful unselfish man.  He is a Market Maven

14 What makes Persuasion so effective.  Little things can make as much of a difference as big things.  Non-verbal cues are as or more important than verbal cues. (78- 79)  Persuasion often works in ways that we do not appreciate. Saleman

15 The Law of the Few  Connector : Know many kinds of People and a lot of people.  Maven : One who accumulate knowledge, Unselfish and Not persuader  Saleman : Persuader

16 The Stickiness  Quality (92-93)  So Cool  Memorable -> a message makes an impact.  Create change -> Spark someone to act.

17 The power of the context  Bernie Goetz : a symbol of a dark moment in New York History.  1980 : The rise and fall of New York crime,2000 murders and 600,000 /a year.  Epidemic of violence.

18 The power of the context  You can prevent crimes just by scrubbing off graffiti and arresting fare-beater.  The broken window theory.

19 Case study : Suicide  Epidemic Suicide Among Micronesian adolescents  1980s,There were more suicides per capita in Micronesia than anywhere in the world.(217)  Suicide lead to suicide.

20 Conclusion :  Little things can have big effect  Contagiousness (Big or Mass)  One Dramatic Moment (The change happens not gradually)

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