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PLC Leadership Academy Session 3 March 15, 2016 Jeremy Koselak, Secondary RtI Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "PLC Leadership Academy Session 3 March 15, 2016 Jeremy Koselak, Secondary RtI Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLC Leadership Academy Session 3 March 15, 2016 Jeremy Koselak, Secondary RtI Coordinator

2 Agenda  Explore D11 PLC website and other PLC resources  Debrief CFA process/protocol from last month’s homework  Enrichment/Intervention video  Share ideas and resources  Intervention vs Remediation  Planning for Interventions and Enrichment

3 Helpful resources from website?  Form up groups of 3 or 4 and share a laptop  Navigate to those resources from the D11 website that are value-add to your work now and could be beneficial in the future?  Share out as a group  Explore other PLC resources that you feel would be value add to your work and/or the D11 website.  Email me the link(s), with accompanying description to:

4 Debrief CFA process/protocol Share your products with those at your table (split up, 3 per team). Each person has 5 minutes to share out, including time for questions. Please include in your discussion:  Quick explanation of the essential outcomes being assessed and format  How did you calibrate your scoring?  How did you report out data to each other?  Protocol used?  Evidence you used data to identify students in need of intervention, by name and need  Evidence you used data to improve instruction  Evidence you used data to improve assessment/curriculum

5 CFA Group discussion  Why bother? (refer back to cultural shift document)  What's the difference: formative vs summative?  Review of the documents we shared last time  Helpful Tips, lessons learned, troubleshooting the process

6 Reflection Point Independent writing (5 minutes): How will you improve the CFA process for next time?  Be specific  Be solution-oriented

7 Break  5 minutes

8 Intervention vs Remediation  What is the difference? (See cultural shift document)  Why do we need both?  What about enrichment?

9 Intervention and Enrichment Guiding Question: Where might we create space in our schedule to prioritize intervention and enrichment? video  Discuss possible takeaways, for any level (elementary, middle, high) that could be learned from this district’s approach.  Consider connections to DuFour’s article we read in February: “How PLCs Do Data Right.” (bring out the article for reference).  Handout covers some of the details at the school, could be used for support. How did this school district bring DuFour’s message to life?

10 Planning for Interventions and Enrichment  Examine various approaches other teams are trying:  Kinard MS, Mesquite ES, Tutoring Centers, flex periods, sharing students  Research other options, adapting and customizing (split up by like groups)  Which ones are most viable now and for next year at your setting?  Write one down to be implemented this year and one that could be considered for next year. Please email me those in a follow up email*  I will then collate them together in a Virtual Gallery Walk for next time

11 Ideas worth sharing, from the trenches  From TOSA visits:  Specials (Focus on school-wide initiatives (like leadership, PBIS…)  Data collection, process—google docs, office 365, collating data together  Sharing students based on CFA data, immediately after assessment  Tight HS ELA planning session that wasn’t about data, but very vibrant PLC process*  MS attending to the 4 th PLC question: enrichment and acceleration

12 Homework  Email ideas you are considering for Intervention/Enrichment structures for a “Virtual Gallery Walk”  Reading: "4 C's of RtI" (Mattos, et al)  Implement Intervention and Enrichment plan as linked to a CFA, monitor impact; bring back evidence of this.  For those striving for 3 credits:  Add to Binder (including this month’s homework)  Ensure we have visited or have scheduled a site visit with you

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