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Kate Garbers Managing Director Unseen Anti-Slavery NGO.

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Presentation on theme: "Kate Garbers Managing Director Unseen Anti-Slavery NGO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kate Garbers Managing Director Unseen Anti-Slavery NGO

2 Modern Slavery ‘Slavery' is where ownership is exercised over a person ‘Servitude' involves the obligation to provide services imposed by coercion ‘Forced or Compulsory labour' involves work or service extracted from any person under the menace of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself voluntarily ‘Human trafficking' concerns arranging or facilitating the travel of another with a view to exploiting them.

3 SUPPORT, EQUIP & INFLUENCE We focus on three main areas as we work towards a world without slavery; Supporting survivors and potential victims of slavery; by providing access to a range of specialist services, enabling them to safely recover and develop resilient independent lives Equipping stakeholders; by providing training, advice and resources to facilitate the identification and support of potential victims of slavery Influencing systemic changes; by using our experience and research to impact and inspire transformation across legislation, policy and society.

4 Strategic Themes 1. Recognition 2. Communication (between involved agencies) 3. Victim Support and Services 4. Prosecution 5. Disruption The mission of the Partnership is to support and enable the discovery of and response to incidents of human trafficking and exploitation through a victim centered, multidisciplinary, and collaborative community effort.

5 ASP exists to: Raise awareness of the issue amongst frontline staff Train people to spot the signs and know where to go for help Increase local intelligence picture Encourage collaborative working and information sharing between agencies Prevent exploitation, either wittingly or unwittingly, by members of the general public, business community, law enforcement or any other agency or person

6 Anti-Slavery Partnership South West Migration partnerships Community Safety Partnerships Existing Forums Avon and Somerset Devon and Cornwall Wiltshire South Gloucestershire Dorset Regional Board (Multi-Agency) Strategic Governance Group/Threat Group (Police Lead)

7 Anti-Slavery Partnership ASP Avon and Somerset Champions Training Problem Profiling NGO Forum Represented on: VAWG, CSP, LSCB, HAM, Human Trafficking Working Group (A&S)

8 Next Steps 1.Profile the issue in your area and your sector – what do you know, what do your staff know? 2. Raise awareness of Modern Slavery – across your communities 3. Train key staff to spot the signs and know what to do 4. Consider the policy decisions and changes required to daily business to comply with the Modern Slavery Act and the safeguarding of adults and children in your area/sector 5. Work out what effective partnerships locally and regionally need to look like.

9 Contacts ASP – Richard Skinner (Manager) Unseen – Kate Garbers Managing Director

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