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Winning 100% Buy-in from Staff and Board for your Next Nonprofit Technology Adoption Norman Reiss Center for Court Innovation Nonprofit Bridge 1 #15NTCbuyin.

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Presentation on theme: "Winning 100% Buy-in from Staff and Board for your Next Nonprofit Technology Adoption Norman Reiss Center for Court Innovation Nonprofit Bridge 1 #15NTCbuyin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winning 100% Buy-in from Staff and Board for your Next Nonprofit Technology Adoption Norman Reiss Center for Court Innovation Nonprofit Bridge 1 #15NTCbuyin

2 10 Scenarios 2 Which applies to your project at your organization?

3 Scenario 1 Ideal - Staff, management and board support project during implementation and after launch (rare) StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning Yes Project Implementation Yes Post - Launch Yes Hold a ‘Lessons Learned’ Meeting to Prep for Future Projects 3

4 Scenario 2 Everyone supports project before/during implementation, but there is no plan for staff adoption. Management/board moves on to other priorities StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔✔ Project Implementation ✔✔ Post - Launch Prepare a written plan to train staff & keep management / board involved post-launch 4

5 Scenario 3 Management / board enthusiastically support project, but staff aren’t involved until system is launched, when it turns out not to meet their needs StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔ Project Implementation ✔ Post - Launch ✔✔ Ask users to help build / test the new system 5

6 Scenario 4 Management / board initially support project, but lose interest during implementation and move to other priorities StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔✔ Project Implementation ✔ Post - Launch Develop milestones which require management / board approval before moving on to next step 6

7 Scenario 5 Management and board aren’t brought into project until implementation, when it is too late to meet their requirements, get their buy-in StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔ Project Implementation ✔✔ Post - Launch Involve management / board from the beginning 7

8 Scenario 6 Difference in priorities between management & board StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔ ??? Project Implementation ✔ ??? Post - Launch Get management / board on the same page (or don’t go forward) 8

9 Scenario 7 Change in business processes isn’t reflected in project requirements StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔✔ Project Implementation Post - Launch Build in a change management system - and use it 9

10 Scenario 8 Change in organization priorities StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔✔ Project Implementation Post - Launch Pay attention to signs that you need to drastically alter project scope or possibly walk away from project 10

11 Scenario 9 New staff don’t get adequate training StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔✔ Project Implementation ✔✔ Post - Launch??? ✔ Plan for a continuing training schedule for current and new staff 11

12 Scenario 10 Over reliance on consultant / vendor StaffManagement / Board Project Initiation / Planning ✔✔ Project Implementation ✔ Post - Launch ✔ Plan for transfer of knowledge from implementer to staff 12

13 Best Tip to Insure Stakeholder Buy-In 13 Start building relationships with stakeholders long before you start your project

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