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Cycling Instances Or, don’t hurt me, I’m ephemeral!

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Presentation on theme: "Cycling Instances Or, don’t hurt me, I’m ephemeral!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycling Instances Or, don’t hurt me, I’m ephemeral!


3  Getting security updates on Ubuntu AMI’s  The auto-scaling group is in control!  Rebooting will spook the scaling group The Problem

4  AWS Linux AMI  Get updates at first boot with cloud-config  Based on RHEL  CoreOS  Nice FastPatch updating scheme  It’s different The Solution(s)


6  Use cloud-init to update ubuntu ami on first boot  Use unattended upgrades to keep mostly up to date Pros  Standard approach  Easy to implement Cons  Pfaff  Basic implementation, intelligence requires more change The Minimal Solution

7  Autoscale up, getting the new ubuntu AMI with security updates and salt installing new stuff too  Once Autoscaling is complete, check that new EC2 instance is ‘good’ by checking the ELB health check  Terminate old instance to return to desired instance count Cycling Instances – The Plan

8  ASG sets new instance to Inservice/Healthy when EC2 checks pass  Only calls the ELB healthcheck after the HealthCheckGracePeriod  So we only know we’ve been successful after…  Start instance  EC2 Healthcheck Passed  HealthCheckGracePeriod  ELB healthcheck passed  Actually up! Cycling Instances – The Problem(s)


10 The ASG Lifecycle

11  Scale out the ASG by one  New instance goes from pending -> in service and healthy  ASG has new instance as in-service and healthy  EC2 Healthcheck has been passed  ELB has instance out-of-service as no health check passed

12  Waiting for grace period before checking ELB health check  ASG checks ELB health check for the first time  Health check fails, EC2 instance is terminated

13  Create new instance as before  New instance has not passed health check yet  New instance in healthy and on-service in ASG

14  This time, ELB health check has passed  There are 2 healthy instances in the ELB

15  The new instance was created successfully  The old instance has been terminated

16  Standard way of getting security updates  Enforces cloudy design principles  Can be automated Cloudy By Design


18  More intelligent scaling, scale-out, scale-in, with specific policy  Auto-scaling group has Scheduled Actions, we can cycle instances by default on a cron-like schedule  Switch to a more cloud friendly AMI? The Future


20 The End

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