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Ch-1 Management an introduction “Anything minus management is zero” Harold koontz, “Management is the art of getting things done through others and with.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch-1 Management an introduction “Anything minus management is zero” Harold koontz, “Management is the art of getting things done through others and with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch-1 Management an introduction “Anything minus management is zero” Harold koontz, “Management is the art of getting things done through others and with formally organised groups.” George R.Terry, “Management is a district process consisting of planning, organising, actualising, and controlling;utilising in each both science and art,and followed in order to accomplish pre-determined objectives.”

2 Nature or characteristics of management 1)It is a group effort 2)It is a goal oriented process 3)It has a distinct entity 4)It is an intangible force 5)It is a process 6)It is an inborn and acquired Quality 7)It is a universal activity 8)It is multidisciplinary 9)It is a social science 10)It is system 11)It is a dynamic system

3 It involves social responsibility It is a profession It is both science and art

4 Process or functions of management According to fayol:- Business activities 1.Technical activities 2.Commercial activities 3.Financial activities 4.Security activities 5.Accounting activities 6.Managerial activities

5 A. Planning:- “Thinking before hand” 1.Having perception of opportunity 2.Establishing objectives 3.Determining planning premises 4.Making a forecast 5.Searching for alternative courses 6.Evaluating alternatives 7.Selecting the best alternative 8.Formulating of supporting plans 9.Implementing plans 10.Reviewing plans

6 B. ORGANISING :- “ harmonies adjustment of various parties ” 1.Knowing the objectives of the enterprise 2.Determining various activities 3.Grouping and departmentalisation of activities 4.Determining of key activities 5.Assigning responsibilities 6.Delegating of authorities 7.Defining inter-relationship

7 C. Staffing:- “ filling & keeping filled the post with people ” 1.Determining the requirements of man-power 2.Recruitment 3.Selection 4.Placement 5.Retention 6.Training 7.Performance of appraisal 8.Promotion 9.Transfer 10.separation

8 D. Directing :- “Instructing,guiding,communicating and inspiring people in the organisation.” E. Controlling:- “Bring actual results closer to the desired results.” 1.Setting performance standards 2.Measurement of actual performance Comparison of actual performance with standards 3.Analysing deviations 4.Taking corrective action

9 Significance of management 1.Achieving pre-determined objectives 2.Ensuring maximum utilisation of resources of production 3.Overcoming competition 4.Ensuring integeration with changing environment 5.Ensuring smooth running of large scale business 6.Maintaining a sound organisational structure 7.Establishing good labour-owner relationship 8.Giving importance to research & investigation 9.Fulfilling the social responsibility 10.Aiming at increased profits

10 Managerial roles Interpersonal role Decisional role Informational roles 1.Role of monitor 2.Role of dissemi -nator 3.Role of spokes- -man 1.Role of figurehead 2.Role of leader 3.Role of laison officer 1.Role of enterpreneur 2.Role disturbance handler 3.Role of resource allocator role of negotiator

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