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BA Business and Management Success at Level 6 Have you got what it takes to be a BA ? Jacqui O’Rourke Senior Lecturer Oxford Brookes University.

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Presentation on theme: "BA Business and Management Success at Level 6 Have you got what it takes to be a BA ? Jacqui O’Rourke Senior Lecturer Oxford Brookes University."— Presentation transcript:

1 BA Business and Management Success at Level 6 Have you got what it takes to be a BA ? Jacqui O’Rourke Senior Lecturer Oxford Brookes University


3 Success on the FD Working in groups identify what it took to do well on your current degree?

4 Problems on the FD What did you find difficult and why?

5 Hopes and Fears Why do the top up? What are you looking forward to? What are you worried about? What will be the same?

6 The Modules Semester 1Semester 2 Dissertation Self Awareness and Career Management Managing Quality and RiskManaging Marketing Activities Communication, Culture and Language Contemporary Business Issues

7 What makes a good dissertation Topic you are interested in Clear and achievable objectives Good understanding of literature Clear and appropriate methodology – be aware of the limitations Clear data analysis Good discussion- linked to literature review Conclusions demonstrate achievement against objectives

8 Dissertation Topics How can Harley Davidson better target women? GSK’s use of social media to target the grey market Why do companies use celebrity endorsement? Is taste more important than brand when buying chocolate Sport Sponsorship in equestrianism Why do we upgrade? Use of social media to promote luxury cars

9 Dissertation Structure

10 Clear objectives To establish why celebrity endorsements are used as a marketing tool. To gain understanding of how effective celebrity endorsements are in practice. To undertake a critical review to determine what leads to an effective celebrity endorsement. To determine the future of celebrity endorsements.

11 Literature review The critical evaluation of literature will provide the platform for the secondary data employed in this dissertation. To begin it will outline the phenomenon of celebrity endorsements, followed by why they are used and the risks that can be involved. Theory into what attributes contribute to the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements will be analysed then a review will be undertaken of these aims in order to establish the future of celebrity endorsements.

12 Methodology The following chapter will set out the method that will be adopted to carry out the research study. The appropriateness of the research method applied will be justified with explanations for the sampling techniques and data collection used together with comment on research credibility and ethical considerations in the study.

13 Primary research linked to Literature

14 Findings and Discussion This chapter explores the findings from the expert interviews which are then compared with the theory from the academic literature review in order to determine if there are similar results and whether additional insights and conclusions can be drawn from this research into celebrity endorsements. As previously explained, a thematic analysis of each individual question enables the researcher to break down the key themes addressed from each participant’s response. The discussion will link the participant’s views and relevant theory within the literature review in order to address and achieve the research objectives.

15 Conclusions The purpose of this chapter is to reflect on the research undertaken within this dissertation. The researcher will link the findings to the dissertation objectives and conclude by recommending what further research should be undertaken on celebrity endorsements.

16 Appraoch to Level 6

17 Studying at University Bloom’s Taxonomy

18 What is teaching and learning like at Level 6? Perception (and reality?) that teaching and learning at Level 6 is different Key features and issues:  Assumed prior knowledge  Lectures (and theory)  Keeping up with (and understanding) everything?  Greater emphasis on ‘Independent Learning’  Does that equal less support?  Wider reading Journals rather than books or websites

19 3 Steps to Academic Success Reading  …absolutely loads!  assignments are a chance for you to show off how much you’ve read!  ‘more is more’……it’s not rocket-science!  books v’s journals Writing  Present a logical argument (based on what you’ve read)  There’s not always a right or wrong answer  Substantiate and evidence your assertions Referencing  ….signposts where you got your information from  Harvard Referencing system (you’ll be given a guide)  Plagiarism and ‘Turnitin ’

20 Top tip Do what you already do only better


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