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What is the name of the mud brick used to make homes for the Anasazi?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the name of the mud brick used to make homes for the Anasazi?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the name of the mud brick used to make homes for the Anasazi?

2 Yes, Adobe is correct!

3 What is the Spanish word that means “village” and also refers to some Native American groups in the Southwest?

4 Pueblo!

5 What do we call an oil well that produces a large amount of oil?

6 You got it, Gusher!

7 What is a grassy plain with few trees found in the southwest region known as?

8 Savanna

9 This is a very dry climate found in the southwest, but not considered a desert……..

10 Arid is the winner!

11 What do we call a factory where crude oil is separated, or “refined”, into different groups of chemicals for future use? (there are several in south LA.!)

12 Refinery is correct!

13 So simple! Review them once or twice more if you missed more than one!

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