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Chapter 3 Nouns. Nouns: Common and Proper Lesson 21.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Nouns. Nouns: Common and Proper Lesson 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Nouns

2 Nouns: Common and Proper Lesson 21

3 Introduction What is a noun?

4 Introduction We drove to Georgia for Thanksgiving. Our cousins came too. Grandma cooked turkey and stuffing.

5 Introduction Mom baked several pies. After dinner we played in the yard.

6 Nouns Nouns name a person, place, or thing. Nouns can also name an idea or feeling. Nouns may be common or proper.

7 Nouns A common noun is the general name of something. A proper noun is the specific name of something.

8 Nouns In sentences, some nouns are used as simple subjects, and other nouns are used as objects of a preposition.

9 Guided Practice 1. Indians were the first Americans. P P

10 Guided Practice 2. Amy saw polished beads. P C

11 Guided Practice 4. My friend looked at the Native American exhibits. S

12 Guided Practice 5. We saw beautiful woven blankets on display. OP

13 Guided Practice 8. Billy opened his mouth in amazement.

14 Guided Practice 9. The early Native Americans were known for their bravery.

15 Independent Practice 1. Eva likes to learn about dinosaurs. P C

16 Independent Practice 2. The Museum of Natural History has several recon- structed skeletons of dinosaurs. P C C

17 Independent Practice 5. Michelle showed politeness to the visitors.

18 Independent Practice 6. Charles has an interest in dinosaurs.

19 Independent Practice 10. We learned about whales. OP

20 Independent Practice 11. Mr. Riley studies whale behavior. S

21 Apply and Write Choose a noun from Sentences 5-9 above that names a feeling you might have when visiting a dinosaur exhibit.

22 Apply and Write Write two sentences explaining why you might experience that feeling.

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