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Presented by: Dr. Robert Aguero Vice Chancellor for Academic Success September 14, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Dr. Robert Aguero Vice Chancellor for Academic Success September 14, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Dr. Robert Aguero Vice Chancellor for Academic Success September 14, 2010

2 2009-2010Course Level 2010-2011Program Level 2011-2012New Core Curriculum and Student Learning Outcomes

3 Programs will be aligned where they are similar in requirements and total number of hours. However, to offer students more options, degree plan specializations can occur where distinct emphases are defined for students. For instance, a business degree may be offered at all five colleges, but one may have an international business emphasis

4  Greater Access For Students  Provide students clear, concise program information  Ensure that Alamo Colleges’ programs are efficient, and productive.

5 1. Group programs by 16 career clusters and 5 major transfer component areas 2. Review academic need o # of graduates for last 3 years o # of majors o Requirements at primary transfer institutions 3. Review with new THECB program requirements 4. Document and review similarity of programs 5. Define distinct programs

6  College Level – Faculty  Programs and Discipline Teams  District Level District Curriculum Committee (Faculty – Deans – VCAS)  Chancellor’s Executive Team

7 SeptemberGroup programs, gather data, identify program leads at colleges October-FebruaryCollege and District Curriculum Review (same process as Course Alignment) MarchBoard and THECB Approval if Appropriate April 1 st 2011-2012 E-Catalog and Schedule

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