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Genetics of Bacteria Chapter 8 Part 2.

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1 Genetics of Bacteria Chapter 8 Part 2

2 Acquisition of additional DNA  ♀♂

3 Transformation is 2nd of the three ways bacteria acquire DNA
1 3

4 Transformation in Bacteria
First need competent bacteria with receptor sites Swap!

5 Naturally Competent Bacteria
About 1% of bacterial species capable of taking up DNA under lab conditions. These species have genes that protein machinery to bring DNA across membrane. Artificial Competence: 45 C Heat-shock and high calcium can induce transformation

6 Transformation in Bacteria
First need competent bacteria with receptor sites Swap!

7 2 1 3 Transduction is 3rd of the three ways bacteria acquire DNA
Transduction is Virus-Mediated Bacterial DNA Transfer 2 1 3

8 Phages Protein

9 Phages Attacking Bacteria

10 Phages Bacterial Transcription and Translation machinery
is used by Viral DNA

11 Plaque Assay – How To Measure Response
Concentrated Phages Super Dilute

12 3 – Transduction – two different autotrophic strains

13 Lederberg-Zinder experiment
P-22 Phages Do no disrupt LA-22 bacteria

14 Lederberg-Zinder experiment
P-22 Phages small enough to pass thru Filter, infect LA-2 and Incorporate LA-2 DNA

15 Lederberg-Zinder experiment
P-22 Phages incorporate LA-2 DNA then cross back and pass DNA to LA-22

16 Transduction (Virus-Mediated Bacterial DNA Transfer)
tells us about gene proximity due to small fragments moved by the viruses.

17 Quorum sensing bacteria

18 quorum sensing – a molecular communication system
Bacterial cells use quorum sensing to count themselves, determine when they have reached an optimal density, and adjust their behavior synchronously For example, when virulent bacteria invade a host organism, they wait until their numbers exceed a critical mass before secreting toxins. Timing is key. If bacteria release these toxins too soon, they risk getting wiped out by the host immune system.

19 quorum sensing – a molecular communication system
Bacterial cells use quorum sensing to count themselves, determine when they have reached an optimal density, and adjust their behavior synchronously Signaling molecules

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