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By: Bremia Quinn CLICK HERE .What is a coordinate plane?What is a coordinate plane?.How to graph a coordinate?How to graph a coordinate?.What are transformations?What.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Bremia Quinn CLICK HERE .What is a coordinate plane?What is a coordinate plane?.How to graph a coordinate?How to graph a coordinate?.What are transformations?What."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Bremia Quinn CLICK HERE

3 .What is a coordinate plane?What is a coordinate plane?.How to graph a coordinate?How to graph a coordinate?.What are transformations?What are transformations?.How do you form a reflection?How do you form a reflection?.How do you form a translation?.How do you form a rotation?How do you form a rotation? It is your choice to choose which one you want to know about.

4 A coordinate plane is a graph or a grid with x and y axes crossing through the center. The location on a coordinate graph is marked by a dot. BACK NEXT

5 BACK.Find the first coordinate in an order pair is on the x-axis..Find the second coordinate is on the y-axis..Determine the quadrant the point is in..Mark the point. NEXT

6 Transformations are translation,reflection and rotation.These are the well known ones. There is a forth,dilation, and which the pre image is the same shape as the image,but not the same size. BACK NEXT


8 Lets use an example, like you draw a square on a coordinate plane and the order pairs were (+2,+3).So, you must decide do you want the reflection on the y-axis or the x-axis. After you decide where you wanted to put the reflection of the coordinate plane, then you draw the square. NEXT BACK

9 First you draw something in the coordinate plane. Then you slide the figure from one position to another without turning it. Translations are also called slides. NEXT BACK


11 First you draw a figure on a coordinate plane.Then rotate it left,right,up,or down. NEXT BACK


13 a)pre-form it b)don’t know c).Find the first coordinate in an order pair is on the x-axis..Find the second coordinate is on the y-axis..Determine the quadrant the point is in..Mark the point..

14 a) A graph or a grid with x and y axes crossing through the center. A graph or a grid with x and y axes crossing through the center b) A square with lines. A square with lines c) A coordinate plane A coordinate plane d) A line graph. A line graph





19 a)When you transfomation stuff b)reflection,rotation,translation c)don't know


21 a)don’t know b)pre-form mrs.Harris c)First you draw a figure on a coordinate plane.Then rotate it left,right,up,or down.


23 a)don’t know b)Looking in a mirror c)Lets use an example, like you draw a square on a coordinate plane and the order pairs were (+2,+3).So, you must decide do you want the reflection on the y-axis or the x-axis. After you decide where you wanted to put the reflection of the coordinate plane, then you draw the squarec)Lets use an example, like you draw a square on a coordinate plane and the order pairs were (+2,+3).So, you must decide do you want the reflection on the y-axis or the x-axis. After you decide where you wanted to put the reflection of the coordinate plane, then you draw the square.





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