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Kraft Foods Company Update Jane von Kirchbach

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1 Kraft Foods Company Update Jane von Kirchbach
Global SAP Support and Operations Lead

2 Kraft Foods’ SAP footprint continues to expand…

3 2009 Projects and Plans… North America
Numerous releases (new functionality) and deployments (roll-outs to new users) in 2009 Releases include new capabilities in areas of Trade Management, Direct Store Delivery, Reporting and additional functionality in other areas Deployments include rolling out SAP to 20+ new plants, 60+ new external manufacturers locations and several new customer service centers Europe Asia Pacific Generally in steady state with on-going small projects, and additional country roll-outs Project One Europe (P1E) went live in Q2 First Go-Live planned in October Indonesia Testing efforts currently in progress

4 SAP Project and Support Model
Global SAP Competency Centers are responsible for SAP projects and on-going SAP support and operations Project activities are performed by on-site (mainly) and offshore (India) teams – staffed by Kraft Foods and strategic partners employees In NA and EU, most project work is done on-site. AP successfully implemented a fully “virtual” project team, where most work was delivered out of India Steady State SAP Support and Operations activities are performed by offshore India-based partner teams – with leadership from on-site Kraft Foods employees India based Kraft Help Desk provides Level 0 Support – mainly logging of incidents SAP Support and Operations Teams provide level 2 and level 3 Support Key User Community plays key role in on-going use and management of SAP systems Business Process Management Organization was formed to facilitate key user communities, and provide business process ownership for SAP systems


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