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1 DIRAC Project Status A.Tsaregorodtsev, CPPM-IN2P3-CNRS, Marseille 10 March, DIRAC Developer meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DIRAC Project Status A.Tsaregorodtsev, CPPM-IN2P3-CNRS, Marseille 10 March, DIRAC Developer meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DIRAC Project Status A.Tsaregorodtsev, CPPM-IN2P3-CNRS, Marseille 10 March, DIRAC Developer meeting

2 2 Releases  Release v5r12 out 11 Feb  Multiple patches added, now at v5r12p20 Bug fixes ( ILC, LHCb )  Catalog improvements (Security, Optimizations)  Updated installation/maintenance tools  Bulk job submission, etc  Release v5r13 within 1-2 weeks  Absorb multiple minor improvements  Done using new branching structure  Updates after the Pylint code inspection

3 3 Releases, cont’d  Next major release v6r0  New DISET framework See Adria’s presentation  New Externals  Python 2.6  Updated release and code distribution tools

4 4 DIRAC Code Repository  DIRAC will get an independent code repository at CERN  Separate from the LHCb and ILC code  SVN with extensive use of branches  Will have to check that the LHCb release tools are not broken  Open access to the DIRAC developers CERN registered, and not only, to be investigated  Possibility to move to GIT repository will be investigated  Modern, good support for the concurrent developments

5 5 Documentation  More Contents is added to the DIRAC Docs  Command reference Generated from the command doc strings  A number of tutorials is also available on the DIRAC Trac site  Docs can be distributed together with the general release  Installable together with and served by the Web portal

6 6 DIRAC Web Site  DIRAC Site is under construction  Based on a blog engine ( Google Docs, Calendar ? ) General info DIRAC and Partner news RFCs, etc  Guides and code documentation generated with Sphynx  First version should be out within 2 weeks  Software project management  Based on Trac Plus necessary extensions  Everybody is welcome to participate and comment on building this common space

7 7 Upcoming developments  Data Management  Streamlined data transfers Scheduling, monitoring  Storage Usage Accounting Fine grained  Dynamic data placement Driven by the LHCb requirements  More aggressive Data Integrity checks Regular Dynamic

8 8 Upcoming developments, cont’d  Workload Management  Increase scalability Up to 70K jobs per day now x 5-10 times higher capacity as a goal ?  Job trends monitoring without the use of Accounting  More flexible bulk submission, job splitting, DAGs  Web Portal developments  Administrator interfaces  Meta and Replica Catalog interfaces  Wide use of User Profiles

9 9 Upcoming developments, cont’d  MultiVO support  DIRAC installations serving groups from various VOs, e.g. regional or national grids  Requirements  Per VO description of Available resources Operation parameters User and groups with specific VOMS details etc

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