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WebViews UIWebView. Controller Architecture UITabBarController Controls the first view that the user sees The view controller class (and xib) that manages.

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Presentation on theme: "WebViews UIWebView. Controller Architecture UITabBarController Controls the first view that the user sees The view controller class (and xib) that manages."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebViews UIWebView

2 Controller Architecture UITabBarController Controls the first view that the user sees The view controller class (and xib) that manages which view is currently being shown to the user A tab controller switches views based on which tab button is selected. Other controllers Every view in the application has it’s own viewController and own xib file Taps in the content area go to the viewController Taps on the tab bar go to the UITabBarController.

3 The app We will create a Tab bar view using Xcode Choose File->new->project Click on Tabbed Application then click next Name your project, choose iPhone and Swift. Choose a place to save the project. Do not create a local git repository. Run the project. There should be an app with two buttons and two views.

4 What did you get? Look at the file navigator: These are the controllers for the first tab (it’s the root controller) and the second tab This contains the two icons used in the tab bar There is one storyboard with the two views.

5 Creating the view Click on the Main.Storyboard To the second view, add two buttons, a text field and a web view. make the placeholder text for the filed to be “Enter a URL” set the keyboard type to be “URL” set the return key to be “go” Arrange as in the next slide

6 Creating the View

7 Connecting the web view Click on the webview and open the connections inspector. Drag from the goBack circle to the “Back” button. Choose “touch up inside” from the pop-up dialog Drag from the goForward circle to the “Forward” button. Shoose “touch up inside” from the pop-up dialog

8 Connecting the web view Now create an IBOutlet for the textView and the webView. …and connect them to the text field and web view

9 Default page Add the bold code to viewDidLoad override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let url = NSURL(string: "") let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url!) myWebView.loadRequest(request) } Creates an instance of a NSURL that contains a URL Creates a URL request object that can be sent to a web view. Causes the webview to load the request

10 loading URL from text field In theViewController.swift file add an IBAction: @IBAction func loadAddressURL() { if let requestURL = NSURL(string: “http://” + urlField.text) { let request = NSURLRequest(URL: requestURL) myWebView.loadRequest(request) } urlField.resignFirstResponder() } Creates an instance of a NSURL that contains a URL Creates a URL request object that can be sent to a web view. Causes the webview to load the request Makes the keyboard disappear

11 loading URL from text field Go to Main.Storyboard click on the text field open the connections inspector connect Did End on Exit to the IBAction you created on the previous slide. Run

12 Connecting the web view Finally, go to the storyboard and connect the did end on exit sent event to the method that you just created in the file’s owner.

13 Run Run the app; you now have a web browser! Note that when you enter a url you must enter the http:// part also!

14 One last thing Go back to the nib and drag an activity indicator view onto your window. Control drag to create an IBOutlet for the activity indicator view. Add this line as the first line in the textFieldDoneEditing method: -(IBAction)textFieldDoneEditing:(id)sender{ [self.activityIndicator startAnimating];

15 Run Run the app again When you enter a URL the activity indicator should start rotating Notice that it does not stop. You have to make your view controller a delegate of the UIWebView and add the method – webViewDidFinishLoad: In this method you can stop the activity indicator from rotating: [self.activityIndicator stopAnimating];

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