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Are you a finalist? Wondering what to do next?. Options with your subject Check out

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Presentation on theme: "Are you a finalist? Wondering what to do next?. Options with your subject Check out"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you a finalist? Wondering what to do next?

2 Options with your subject Check out

3 Scroll down to ‘options with your subject CV and Cover Letter Advice here

4 Find your subject i.e. Media

5 This page gives you a great overview of the knowledge and skills you have acquired on your course Now click on job options

6 This section gives you details about jobs directly related to your degree This section gives you ideas for employment areas where your degree may be useful. It’s always good to think outside the box!

7 Clicking on one of the job options i.e. Public Relations Officer, takes you here. Not only is there a job description, but also typical work activities, which is useful if you want to explore if this is the career for you. This section not only gives details of entry requirements and training, but even links to employers and vacancies. This section also offer case studies so you can really get a felling of what the job is like.

8 Listed here are links to employers and vacancies which you can keep on your favourites and check regularly

9 Don’t forget once you find your dream job The prospects website also gives cv and cover letter examples, job application advice and interview tips Louise Sharland April 2012

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