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International Conference on Human Rights of Migrants and Multicultural Society - Dignity and Justice for All Migrants National Human Rights Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "International Conference on Human Rights of Migrants and Multicultural Society - Dignity and Justice for All Migrants National Human Rights Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Conference on Human Rights of Migrants and Multicultural Society - Dignity and Justice for All Migrants National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) Seoul, Korea 10 November 2008

2 Background & Context Objectives Program Agenda Program Schedule Anselmo Lee Director General Human Rights Policy Bureau

3 Basic Terminologies NHRI NI NHRCK ICC APF OHCHR National Human Rights Institution National (HR) Institution National Human Rights Commission of Korea International Coordinating Committee of NIs for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Asia Pacific Forum of NHRIs UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

4 Basic Facts Human Rights of Migrants in a Multi-cultural Society - Dignity and Justice for All Migrants Organized by the NHRCK Supported by OHCHR, APF & Kyeonggi Province 10-11 Nov. (Mon.-Tue.) : Open to public 12 Nov. (Wed) : NHRIs and by Invitation

5 Participants 40 overseas participants from about 15 countries including 8 Asian countries – sending and receiving countries 22 participants from the NHRIs including representative of ICC and APF 15 participants from civil society and NGOs Over 100 local participants - government, NGOs, universities, etc. 25 diplomats from the Embassies including 4 ambassadors (AU, BD, NP, PK)

6 WHY? Migration is not NEW Many meetings and initiatives But Challenges remains unchallenged Renewed commitment required

7 Background - global 60 th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 15 th Anniversary of the 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights – Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA) Key Concern of Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General Priority Issue for H.E. Ms Navanethem Pillay, the New UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

8 Background – international 2 nd Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) – Protecting and Empowering Migrants for Development (Manila, Oct. 2008) -Round Table 1: Migration, Development and Human Rights Durban Review Conference 2009 (Durban+8) -World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance(WCAR) 2001 -Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA)

9 Background - Korea Highlight of the NHRCK’s 180 Day UDHR-60 Campaign – Refugee (20 June) to Migrant Workers (18 Dec. ) 7 th Anniversary of the NHRCK (25 Nov) 60 th Anniversary of the Constitution and Government of the Republic of Korea

10 Context – UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families -Adoption on 18 Dec. 1990 -Entry into Force on 1 July 2003 -39 ratifications (Philippines, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste) Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) – First Session in March 2004 UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Special Rapporteur on human rights of migrants (created in 1999) - Mr. Jorge.A. Bustamante (Mexico), August 2005- present CEDAW’s General Comment No 26 on Women Migrant Workers (7 Nov. 2008)

11 Context – Global & NHRIs International Follow-up to International Conference of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICNI)  7 th ICNI – Conflicts and Countering Terrorism (Seoul, 14-17 Sept. 2004)  8 th ICNI – Migration (Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 24- 26 Oct. 2006)  9 th ICNI – Administration of Justice (Nairobi, 21-24 October 2008)

12 Context – Asia Asian Follow-up to  ASEAN Declaration on the Rights of Migrants (Cebu, 13 January 2007)  Jakarta Process on Domestic Migrant Workers and Irregular Migrants (Jakarta, July 2006)  APF’s ACJ (Advisory Commission of Jurists) Recommendations on Trafficking (2000)

13 Context - Korea Over 1 million foreigners (Aug. 2007) – 2 % of total population (49 Million) About 200,000 undocumented migrant workers (about 20 %) About 300,000 marriage-based immigrants “Multi-cultural Society” - From ‘Work’ to ‘Life and Culture’

14 Four Objectives Assess the human rights situation of migrants in Asia Identify key human rights challenges facing migrants – theoretical and practical Review the NHRIs’ responses and actions Develop a guideline and strategies for international cooperation among NHRIs in Asia

15 Identify Review Access Develop Four Objectives

16 Expected Outcomes Seoul Guidelines on Cooperation of NHRIs for the Promotion and Protection of Migrants in Asia Action Plans – bi-lateral and regional Asian NHRIs’ Contribution to the Durban Review Conference (12 Nov. 2008)

17 Program Structure Keynote Speech Panel A : International Processes Panel B : Experiences and Cases Panel C : Concepts and Policies Panel D : Case study on Korea Panel E : Role and Strategies of NHRI - international and national Concluding Panel : Seoul Guidelines

18 Special Programs 11 Nov. (Tue.) Visit to Asian Migrant Communities in Kyeonggi Province 12 Nov. (Wed) Asian Consultation on Durban Review Conference (DRC) 2009 City Tour (optional) 13-14 Nov. (Thu.-Fri.) Study Visit to the NHRCK

19 Right to Food ! 10 Nov. (Mon.) Luncheon hosted by Mr KIM Moon-soo, Governor of Gyeonggi Province Welcome Reception and Dinner hosted by Prof. AHN Kyong-Whan, NHRCK 11 Nov. (Tue.) Luncheon hosted by former Leaders of the NHRCK Working Dinner with Asian Migrant Communities 12 Nov. (Wed.) Working Lunch during the consultation on DRC

20 Once again WELCOME & THANK YOU National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK)

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