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STAR Summary for 2012 pp running May 11, 2012 Bill Christie, BNL Outline Summary of 200 GeV pp run Summary of 510 GeV pp run STAR’s running efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "STAR Summary for 2012 pp running May 11, 2012 Bill Christie, BNL Outline Summary of 200 GeV pp run Summary of 510 GeV pp run STAR’s running efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAR Summary for 2012 pp running May 11, 2012 Bill Christie, BNL Outline Summary of 200 GeV pp run Summary of 510 GeV pp run STAR’s running efficiency Expectations from 2012 data. Summary: Very successful run

2 Summary of Run 12 pp Physics Goals Primary 2012 run pp Physics goals are: 200 GeV Transverse pp Mid-rapidity pion Collins asymmetry measurement Forward Photon A N measurement Heavy Ion Reference data 500 GeV Longitudinal pp W A L Measurement Inclusive Jet A LL Measurement

3 Trigger rates for ZDC_coin rate ~ 8.2 kHz Feb. 17, 2012. Event rate ~ 2 kHz 36 Triggers 200 GeV pp

4 Summary of 200 GeV Transversely Polarized pp Run 12 data set Barrel HT 2 Pre-scale 1 ~24 pb -1 Jet Patch 2 Pre-scale 1 FMS Pre-scale 1 VPD MinBias Prescaled ~735 Mevts Jet Patch 0 Prescaled Jet Patch 1 Prescaled ~23 pb -1 ~22 pb -1 Red: Linear projection to goal from t=0 Blue: Linear projection based on actual performance Black: Actual Performance Accumulated about 143% of Sampled luminosity Goals! Starting goal was 300 Mevts

5 Online Scaler Analysis from STAR ZDC SMD local Polarimeter Transverse Store, shows Left-Right asymmetries of ~ 5 to 6% Store where Rotator scan/tuning was done

6 Online Scaler Analysis from STAR ZDC SMD local Polarimeter First Physics Store, Saturday nightPhysics Store Sunday afternoon Physics Store Monday morning Physics Store Monday night, after STAR Yellow Rotator currents were tweaked by a few amps Rotator tuning at the start of the 510 GeV Longitudinally Polarized Physics Run - Went smoothly and quickly - Thanks to C-AD efforts, and for STAR, Ernst and Len

7 Barrel HT 3 Pre-scale 1 ~23 pb -1 FOM Jet Patch 2 Pre-scale 1 ~6 pb -1 FOM FMS Pre-scale 1 W A L Single Spin P 2 L  G double spin Physics P 4 L Summary of 510 GeV Longitudinally Polarized pp Run 12 data set Jet Patch 0 VPD MinBias Red: Linear projection to goal from t=0 Blue: Linear projection based on actual performance Black: Actual Performance - All physics goals surpassed by  x2 for 5 week 510 GeV p+p run! - We sampled ~ 91 pb -1 of luminosity. Barrel HT 3 Pre-scale 1 ~ 87 pb -1 Sampled

8 STAR’s Running Efficiency for Run 12 to date Jamie Dunlop’s Run efficiency Web site: Efficiency numbers automatically tabulated for every Fill during Physics running. “Typical” (i.e. good) Fill shown: Sampled % of luminosity = 78% % of hours when Taking data = 87% Allows Shift crew, and rest of STAR. to quantify how well each Fill/Shift goes. Single 200 GeV pp Fill

9 Some Summary Quantities Calculated/updated as the Run progresses, Totals for 2012 200 GeV pp Run Average: 0.669 Average: 0.897 Average: 0.757 Average: 0.264

10 “Typical” (i.e. very good) 510 GeV pp Fill Sampled % of luminosity = 86% % of hours when Taking data = 94% Hours lost before 1 st run = 0.0! We were fairly aggressive in getting STAR online during the 500 GeV running. - Ramp up all detectors, once energy ramp complete, during the ~ 10 minute Rotator ramp, prior to beams getting steered into collision.

11 Some Totals for 2012 510 GeV pp Run Average: 2.849 pb -1 Average: 0.176 Hrs Average: 0.763 Average: 0.670 STAR Ran very well for both the 2012 pp runs.

12 Preliminary Interference Fragmentation Function and Collins results from ~2.2 pb -1 of transverse data taken in 2006 indicate that STAR is seeing non-zero asymmetries, sensitive to quark transversity distributions, at mid-rapidity. Data collected in 2012 will allow these asymmetries to be measured with higher precision and increased kinematic coverage. This data will also be used to tighten existing constraints on the mid-rapidity inclusive jet A N, which is sensitive to the gluon Sivers contribution. At forward rapidities, the 2012 data will permit the study of the p T dependence of inclusive  0 and  particles, as well as make a first measurement of the inclusive photon A N, in the forward meson detector. Run 6 errors compared to Run 12 projections for mid-rapidity Interference Fragmentation Function (left) and Collins (right) asymmetries. Expectations from the 2012 200 GeV Transversely Polarized pp data set

13 Expected precision and kinematic reach for the inclusive jet A LL from the 2012 510 Longitudinally Polarized pp data set Inclusive jet sensitivity from the run 12 510 GeV data compared to the run 9 preliminary result.

14 The charge sign separated 1/p T vs. BEMC E T for midrapidity tracks (top left). Any track originating from a good vertex and with p T > 10 GeV is considered an e+/e- candidate. The jacobian peak for W candidates in the BEMC (EEMC) is shown in the top right (bottom left) panel. Unlike sign charge pairs are used to reconstruct Z candidates in the BEMC (bottom right). A fast offline analysis of the W +/- and Z signal was performed for a fourth of the total 510 GeV dataset, ~20 pb -1.


16 Summary STAR came up quickly this year and got starting accumulating physics data early in run STAR ran very efficiently for both the 200 and 510 GeV pp runs STAR exceeded all of its Physics Data set Goals for the 2012 pp running

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