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 Please pick up 2 packets and 3 Different colored pieces of construction paper (one white, blue, yellow)  Then get a book from your class’s book cabinet.

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Presentation on theme: " Please pick up 2 packets and 3 Different colored pieces of construction paper (one white, blue, yellow)  Then get a book from your class’s book cabinet."— Presentation transcript:


2  Please pick up 2 packets and 3 Different colored pieces of construction paper (one white, blue, yellow)  Then get a book from your class’s book cabinet and define the words for section 1.1

3  5 ways science has helped you  5 jobs you can have in science  5 subject areas that are included in science field

4  Science = organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world  Where did plants and animals come from?  How did we make chicken pox vaccine?  How can I use blood to solve a crime?

5  Only deals with the living world  Look for patterns, connections  Based on evidence, not beliefs  Goal: is to understand laws of natural world and to explain why events happen!!!! They want to be able to predict what will happen in the future!!! (ex: when a volcano will erupt)

6  So many things about nature we do not yet know  Things we have yet to discover, animals we don’t know exist, and medicines yet to create  Never stands still, is ever changing and improving with each new discovery  Rarely “proves” anything absolutely

7  Why is science always changing?  What are 3 ways science is different from other fields?


9  There is a general style to investigate natural surroundings or problems  There isn’t a single scientific method, but a general set of steps and it all starts with what you OBSERVE OR NOTICE ABOUT YOUR SURROUNDINGS!!!!!!!

10  1. Observe and Ask Questions  2. Inferring and Forming a Hypothesis  3. Design an Experiment  4. Collect and Analyze Data  5. Draw Conclusions

11  Please pick up your scientific method organizer and do now notebook. Then take out your notes and worksheet packet from yesterday  Answer the following questions › How is science different from other subjects? › What do scientists base their explanations on?

12 Observation leads to new questions … what questions do you have?

13  Inference = idea based on what is already known  Hypothesis = scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested  What would you infer? › Something limits growth in location A like temperature, light, water, nitrogen, etc  What would your hypothesis be? › Marsh growth is limited by the amount of nitrogen

14  Only 1 variable can be changed at a time  Variable = any factor that can be changed  Independent variable = variable that is changed  Dependent variable = variable that is affected by this change, often what is measured in experiment  Control group – group without change (old/original way of doing it)  Experimental group – group with change (new way)

15 The hibiscus petals are bright pink There are 5 petals

16  Independent Variable (what is changed) › Nitrogen  Dependent Variable (what will be affected by nitrogen and measured?) › Height of grass

17  Keep detailed records  Include graphs and tables  Need to pick correct tools  Sources of Error – account for possible mistakes  2 types of data › Quan titative – numbers found by counting or measuring › Qual itative – describe things that can not be counted

18 What tool is being used? What is a possible source of error? What type of data is being used? Qualitative or Quantitative?

19 What is on the x axis? What is the dependent variable and where is it on graph? What is on the y axis? Which group grew better?

20  Data used to support or reject hypothesis!!! The hypothesis can then be changed!!!  Would you support or reject hypothesis? And why? (use data)

21  Put the 5 parts of the scientific method in order!!!!  Give me an example of qualitative data!!!  Give me an example of quantitative data!!!

22  When would an experiment not be done?  Human or animal test subjects, possible death or severe injury, not enough of a sample to get good results.

23  Why do an experiment? › Discover new info or conclusions – can confirm old or bring in the new  Why is data so critical? › Used to support or reject hypothesis  What is the main goal of science? › To analyze and organize to world around us through observation and experimentation

24  What are the 5 steps of the scientific method?  Identify the control and experimental groups, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, and finally accept or reject hypothesis in the following scenario:  There are 2 groups of plants. A scientist believes that blue light will cause plants to increase growth Group 1 is grown in normal white light and group B is grown in only blue light. Group 1 grows 12. 7 inches and group 2 grows 8.9 inches.

25  Please take two handouts then take out your worksheet packet and notes packet  Turn to the second page of the worksheet pack and work on the word problem “measuring water with Ms. Sedaka”

26  Curiosity – asking questions  Skepticism – question what is already known  Open-mindedness – willing to accept new ideas  Creativity – allows then to design new experiments or ideas

27  New technologies allow for new discoveries, new tests, gather data in new ways, etc.  Questions  What technology do you use?  What technology was developed to help science?  What new things have been made using technology?

28  Peer Review – they must share their findings with other scientists by publishing papers › Read papers and look for mistakes or problems with procedures, data, conclusions, etc

29  Theory = well tested explanation that accounts for a lot of observations and hypotheses that lets scientists make good predictions  Ex: Theory of Evolution – things change over time

30  Ethics and Morality – we only try to explain what life is...  Bias = certain preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific

31  What are 4 characteristics that good scientists share?

32  4 common metric units  Based on multiples of 10  World wide system – any scientist in any country can read and understand these measurements (universal system)  Does not use our common measurement units

33  Length - meters  Mass - grams  Volume - liters  Temperature – degrees Celsius


35  What 4 areas does the metric system measure? › Length, mass, volume, and temperature  Why do they call the metric system universal? › All scientists in the world use it

36  1000m = _____ km  10 m = _____ cm  50,000 mg = ______ g  5 dm = _____ cm  500 mL = _____ L  7kg = _____ mg

37  Think of 5 living things … then what is about these 5 things that makes them alive?

38  Biology is the study of what?  Life … › So what are the 8 things that distinguish things as living

39  What molecule has genetic info? › DNA – has all the information needed to live, grow, and reproduce  How do you get your characteristics? › Mom and Dad pass their genetic material on to you

40  You started as ____ cell(s) ›1›1  You are now made up of _______ cells › Billions after your cells divide over and over again  Do all of your cells do the same job? › No!!! Cells specialize, meaning they do a specific job for your body

41  Stimulus – a signal to which a living thing reacts

42  Living things can be made of 1 cell or many cells  Cells can individually do all functions of living things  Cells are small, but they are complex and organized

43  What are signals we respond to in the environment?  What carries all of our genetic information?  What must we be made up of to be living?  What must we do throughout our lives to be considered living?

44  What is reproduction? › The creation of new living things  Can occur sexually (2 parents) or asexually (1 parent)  How do we reproduce? › Sexually – get DNA mix from both parents  How do bacteria reproduce? › Asexually – identical (clones) to parents

45  What are things they measure at the doctor that should be within a certain range? › Blood Pressure › Heart Rate › Temperature  Homeostasis = when conditions within an organism are kept within certain limits  Q: How do you feel if your temperature is above normal? How about if your heart is racing?

46  We must take in materials to survive!  How do we get our materials? › Eating and Drinking  What are some of the major materials we need to survive? › Water, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc.  Metabolism = chemical reactions through which we build up or break down materials

47  What does it mean is a species evolves? › Change over time  There is a shared history amongst living things through DNA, body parts, adaptations, etc.




51  What is maintaining a stable internal environment called?  What must we take in and use to be considered living?  What are the 2 ways things can reproduce?  How has we evolved as humans in the past 100 years?

52  Global Ecology › World wide – how we affect the planet and other living things  Biotechnology › Ability to read, write, and edit genetic code (DNA)  Tree of Life › Linking and mapping 1.8 million different living things we have on the planet  Ecology and Evolution of Disease › How germs change and evolve to surroundings  Genomics and Molecular Biology › How are we linked by DNA

53  What is Biology? › The study of life  What are the 8 characteristics of living things? › Universal genetic code, respond to environment, grow and develop, reproduce, maintain stable environment, get and use materials and energy, made up of cells, and evolve

54  Made of Cells  Grow/Develop  Stable environment  Get/Use Energy  Evolve  Reproduce  Respond to environment  Genetic Code  Homeostasis  Stimulus (like a bolt of lightening)  Change  Basic unit of life  Metabolism  Sexual or asexual  Cell division and Specialization  DNA

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