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Vital Signs of Learning What are they and how can we check them?

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Presentation on theme: "Vital Signs of Learning What are they and how can we check them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vital Signs of Learning What are they and how can we check them?

2 If only it could be this easy to figure out individual differences!

3 Why do we need to know our own Vital Signs of Learning? Because, like health, what we do or fail to do impacts our life and personal outcomes. Because, like physical fitness, our academic choices makes a difference now and later. Because, like patients, we know better than anyone else what is problematic and what isn’t. Because teachers, like physicians, are expected to improve results over which they have little control.

4 What is needed for physical wellness? VITAL SIGNS Respiration Temperature Blood Pressure Pulse Oral interactions TREATMENT OPTIONS Exercise Antibiotics Medication Diet Therapy Surgery

5 What is needed for academic fitness? VITAL SIGNS Content knowledge Intake skills Reasoning skills Output skills Management skills TREATMENT OPTIONS Options/variation Visual aids Challenging problems Real-world relevance Clear targets/feedback Varied tools/support

6 NO TWO LEARNERS ARE ALIKE! We are all similar BUT different in: Content – prior knowledge, experiences Reception – how we take in information Reasoning – how we make sense of information Production – how we express knowledge Management – sense of self & ways of working

7 CHECKING CONTENT: Favorite subjects, activities in school. History of school experiences since elem. Special interests or activities beyond school. Cultural experiences, other languages. Career and advanced education interests.

8 CHECKING RECEPTION: Best ways for you to take in new information about topics, such as: Reading books, magazines, Internet Watching DVDs, videos, demonstrations Listening to people, stories, discussions Visuals like maps, graphs, diagrams, tables, equations, illustrations. Do you like books and find reading easy to do?

9 CHECKING REASONING: Classes where you catch on quickly Classes where you feel lost Classes that move too slowly for you Classes that move too fast for you Classes that provide challenge or make you think

10 CHECKING PRODUCTION: Best ways for you to demonstrate what you know (e.g. Tell or explain it orally, write, draw, etc.). Do you like assignments that require effort and original ideas? Do you prefer assignments that lead to specific answers or patterns?

11 CHECKING MANAGEMENT: Does school makes you frustrated, anxious, and tense? Are you proud of the work you produce? What do you wish teachers understood about you? Do you like to work alone or with groups?

12 Take the survey, get your report Take the Vital Signs of Learning survey. Talk with your teacher about your individual report of strengths & risks. Think about goals that could build up your strength factors. Think about goals that could reduce your risk factors.

13 Academic Fitness Tips: When a class isn’t working for you, check in with your teacher to figure out what might help you be more successful. If you are more successful in one area than another, it can put others out of balance. For example, you may have lots of ideas but not know how to put them into a form that you want to submit. Your teacher needs to know that. If you need to change the way you are receiving information or being asked to produce evidence of what you know, talk with your teacher about changing some part of an assignment. Remember, your teachers want you to succeed academically. Help them understand your learning needs and school experiences.

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