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 An Introduction to Writing Workshop Presented by: Suzanne Oliver Literacy Coach Elizabeth Avenue School April 5, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: " An Introduction to Writing Workshop Presented by: Suzanne Oliver Literacy Coach Elizabeth Avenue School April 5, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1  An Introduction to Writing Workshop Presented by: Suzanne Oliver Literacy Coach Elizabeth Avenue School April 5, 2011

2  Agenda  Writing Workshop Overview  Interactive Writing  Questions

3  . Writing Workshop invites students to live, work and learn as writers. They learn to observe their lives and the world around them while collecting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing well- crafted narrative and expository texts.  Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project, 2011

4   Starts off with a Mini Lesson  The teacher begins with a 10 to 15 minute mini lesson where the students are taught a specific skill or strategy that helps them to grow as writers  Independent Practice  The students are given time to write, applying the skills and strategies they've learned to their own writing projects.  Share Time  The students have the opportunity to share out how they applied a new skill or strategy to their writing What is Writing Workshop?

5  What does Writing Workshop look like? Students  Take responsibility for their own learning  Students generate ideas and choose what they want to write about  Share out their thoughts or ideas Teacher  Teaches mini lessons based on units of study and observations of students needs  Personalizes instruction  Keeps records of student progress

6   While students are writing, teachers are giving feedback to their students by conducting an individual conference or providing small group instruction. This is where the teacher gives a compliment for what the student is doing well. The teacher also provides instructional feedback by teaching a strategy that might help the writer improve their piece.  Teachers will assess by using:  Anecdotal notes/records  Observations  Checklists  Rubrics How are students assessed?

7  Collection of Writing Grades K-2  A writing folder is used to collect ideas that may later become published pieces of writing  Each week there may be up to 4 drafts/booklets  After 2-3 weeks a piece is chosen to revise, edit and publish  During revision process, students can go back and revise a separate piece of writing Grades 3 and 4  A writers notebook is used to collect ideas that may later become published pieces of writing  Students create new entries each day in draft form  After 2-3 weeks a piece is chosen to revise, edit and publish  During revision process, writers can go back and draft a new piece from their generated ideas

8   Time: Students are given at least 20-25 minutes of writing time per day  Choice: Students choose the topics that they are going to write about which starts out by generating ideas  Response: Students are given frequent response about how they are growing as writers  Community: It is important for students to feel like they are part of a classroom community  Structure: It is very important that a great deal of structure exists. Students need to understand the value of independent writing and the importance of sharing and listening during discussions Basic Principals of Writing Workshop

9   The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project  Beth Newingham References

10  Let’s Try It! Now it’s your turn !

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