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Assignment Design Charrette. Welcome and Introductions Participants Facilitators Guests Review of Agenda and Plan for the Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment Design Charrette. Welcome and Introductions Participants Facilitators Guests Review of Agenda and Plan for the Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment Design Charrette

2 Welcome and Introductions Participants Facilitators Guests Review of Agenda and Plan for the Day

3 Why Assignments? Context and Rationale Assignments bring high-level learning outcomes to life in actual student work. They send powerful signals to students about what matters. At their best, they both foster learning and document/assess it. Creating a good assignment is challenging intellectual and creative work that should be visible, recognized, and rewarded. Working together on assignments helps to develop shared language and more intentionally aligned and scaffolded sequences of assignments that guide students through their learning. Other thoughts?

4 What’s in it for You? A chance to refine an assignment you’re working on To get ideas you can take back to your classes To meet thoughtful colleagues To contribute to the work of others To be part of a larger development: – NILOA’s Assignment Library Initiative – Assignment work on other campuses and through disciplinary associations

5 NILOA’s Initiative Tracking campus work with the Degree Qualifications Profile, NILOA noted rising interest in assignment design and use We turned to the field and invited faculty applications (with draft assignment) These groups (4 in all) came together for a day of conversation and collaboration about their assignments… …working in 5-6 person, facilitated “charrettes”

6 6 What ’ s a “Charrette ” ? "Charrette" (Fr.) means a small cart. Because architecture students once deposited their assignments in it as the cart was rolled through the studio, architects now use the word to refer to an intense creative effort in a limited time period.

7 The NILOA Assignment Library 50-some assignments aligned with DQP proficiencies Revised and improved with feedback Contributed by faculty from a wide range of fields and institutional types Online, indexed, and searchable With a scholarly citation Stimulating assignment work on campuses

8 The Charrette Discussion Make sure each person in your group has a copy of the assignment under discussion Assignment author sets up the discussion, reviewing the focus and purpose of the assignment, and indicating what kinds of feedback would be most useful—5 minutes. Discussion, Q&A—15-20 minutes Written feedback on provided forms—5 minutes Then move on to the next person

9 Reflections What was this process like? What ideas are you taking away? What insights do you have about effective assignments? What will you do next and what would help you do that? How can others be brought into this work or benefit from it?

10 Adjourn

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