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+ Writing Narratives from Non-Fiction Texts Heather Stocks Pasco Writing Academy October 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Writing Narratives from Non-Fiction Texts Heather Stocks Pasco Writing Academy October 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Writing Narratives from Non-Fiction Texts Heather Stocks Pasco Writing Academy October 16, 2014

2 + Today’s Agenda Quick Write Dissect a Text Graphic Organizer Characterization and Voice Sequence of Events Write a Narrative

3 + Objectives Students will experience a manageable procedure of writing a narrative, while working through the required elements Students will use a non-fiction text as a basis for their narrative, while characterizing and sequencing the events within the article

4 + Why Narratives? Writing narratives allow students a creative voice while conveying their knowledge about an experience, or topic either assigned or chosen It is part of the Common Core! CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3 - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

5 + “Narrative writing is an art form, much like music or the visual arts. We talk about the author’s purpose being to entertain an audience of others, and, practically speaking, this is true. But what is also true is that most writers’ motivation is much deeper. They do not write to earn money, accolades, or praise. They write because their stories provide a conduit to their inner worlds, their subconscious selves. Stories touch into the humanity of the author and resonate with the humanity of the reader.” ~ Barbara Mariconda

6 + Quick Write – 3 Minutes Look closely at the provided picture What do you see? What do you feel? What is happening? Free-Write for 3 minutes about the picture Be prepared to share

7 + Let’s Share! 5 Minutes

8 + Malala Yousafzai “Taliban Gun Down Girl Who Spoke Up for Rights”

9 + Dissect the Text 10 Minutes Using the provided Graphic Organizer in the GREEN section of your folder, gather information from your article You may write on your article, highlight, circle, underline, or mark it up any way you need

10 + What is a Narrative? A narrative is defined as a spoken or written account of connected events; a story

11 + How can I write a narrative about a non-fiction article? A narrative can convey information about a real or imagined experience It uses time as structure Writing a narrative about the events within a non-fiction text is another way to transfer information

12 + Parts of a Narrative – Character and Voice The characters within a narrative are the individuals within the story The voice a narrative is told from, or narrated from, is the point of view The narrator can be a character

13 + Parts of a Narrative – Sequence of Events The sequence of events in a narrative is the plot development Is it cause and effect? Is it chronological? Is it problem/solution? Creating a list or a timeline of events is a helpful way to organize the sequence of events The sequence of events should unfold logically and naturally

14 + Character and Voice 5 Minutes Use the provided graphic organizer in the YELLOW section of your folder to complete this activity

15 + Character and Voice 5 Minutes Write in First Person Point of View Select a character from the article (not the main character) Write details from the experience in their perspective You may choose an inanimate object as your character

16 + Sequence of Events 5 Minutes Use the provided graphic organizer in the ORANGE section of your folder to complete this activity

17 + Sequence of Events 5 Minutes Create a timeline of the event(s) from your article Remember beginning, middle, end Be detailed

18 + Writing a Narrative Using the information you have gathered Dissect a Text Graphic Organizer Character and Voice Sequence of Events Compose a narrative based on your article You will have 10 minutes to write

19 + Writing a Narrative 10 Minutes Write in the voice of the character you chose You may expand on the piece creatively, but you must remain true to the facts given Be as descriptive as possible Look at the language you used in your Quick Write as a guide

20 + Let’s Share! Share your narrative with your shoulder partner(s). 5 Minutes

21 + Let’s Share! Any volunteers?

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