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How to Flip A Unit SAMPLE Unit: Writing Learning Objectives in the Cognitive Domain.

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1 How to Flip A Unit SAMPLE Unit: Writing Learning Objectives in the Cognitive Domain


3 Logistics of Flipping – How Do I Flip? ① Look over your unit and determine the content and goals. ② Determine the activities (both inside and outside of class) necessary for students to attain the goals. You may certainly use some of your current activities. ③ Look over your activities and determine which activities can be done outside of class and which can be done inside of class. ④ Find the necessary resources for your activities and content.

4 Logistics of Flipping – How Do I Flip? ⑤ Decide how you want to set up your website for flipping. ⑥ Place the content and activities into the format of your website.

5 Step One: Look over your unit and determine the goals and main content.  Goals: The EDG 4410 student will be able to state the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and the Anderson and Krathwohl Cognitive Domain. The EDG 4410 student will be able to write student behaviors with action verbs for each level of the cognitive domain. The EDG 4410 student will be able to write a complete learning objective in the cognitive domain.

6 Step One: Look over your unit and determine the content and goals.  Main Content: Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy (2000) Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create Learning Objective Learner Observable Student Behavior Criterion

7 Step Two: Determine the activities (both inside and outside of class) necessary for students to attain the goal.  Viewing/reading notes and website on explanations of the different levels of the cognitive domain.  Checking for understanding activity on the different levels of the cognitive domain.  Identifying the level of cognitive domain represented by a particular student behavior (as represented by an action verb).  Identifying parts of a complete learning objective.  Viewing/reading notes on writing learning objectives.

8 Step Two: Determine the activities (both inside and outside of class) necessary for students to attain the goal.  Working in content-specific groups (PLC’s) in writing content- specific learning objectives at the different levels of the cognitive domain.  Writing two complete content-specific learning objectives.  Writing complete learning objectives at different levels of the cognitive domain.  Playing interactive game on levels of cognitive domain.

9 Step Three: Decide which activities can be done outside of class and which can be done inside of class. Outside of Class Time Estimate  Viewing/reading notes and website on the 15 minutes different levels of the cognitive domain.  Identifying the level of cognitive domain 10 minutes represented by a particular student behavior (as represented by an action verb).  Viewing/reading notes on writing learning 10 minutes objectives.  Writing two complete content-specific 5 minutes learning objectives.

10 Step Three: Decide which activities can be done outside of class and which can be done inside of class. In Class Time Estimate  Working with content-specific groups (PLC’s) in writing 15-20 minutes content-specific learning objectives at the different levels of the cognitive domain.  Sharing of the above.10 minutes  Checking for understanding activity on 10 minutes the different levels of the cognitive domain.  Playing interactive game on levels of 10 minutes cognitive domain.  Peer editing each others’ learning objectives 5 minutes

11 Step Four: Find the necessary resources for your activities and content.  Notes on explanations of the different levels of the cognitive domain: Pre-made instructor notes  Notes on writing learning objectives: Pre-made instructor notes  Guided Notes template for taking notes while viewing the above notes: -notes  Website on cognitive domains: bloom-cognitive-taxonomy-revised/  Interactive game: Pre-made instructor game

12 Step Five: Decide how you want to set up your website for flipping. Class Date: To Prepare for Today’s Class, Do the Following: Assignment(s) Due Today: Materials to Bring to Class Today: Today’s Class Agenda:

13 Step Six: Place the content and activities into the format of your website. Class Date: To Prepare for Today’s Class, Do the Following: ① Read and study the article, ”The Second Principle” at cognitive-taxonomy-revised/ cognitive-taxonomy-revised/ ② While reading the following notes on Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain and Writing Learning Objectives, complete the Guided Notes sheet. Come to class prepared to discuss the different cognitive domains. In addition, you will be asked to identify the different levels of the cognitive domain. [Upload the Guided Notes sheet here.]

14 Step Six: Place the content and activities into the format of your website. To Prepare for Today’s Class, Do the Following (continued) ③ Read and study the notes on Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain. [Upload notes here.] ④ Read and study the notes on Writing Learning Objectives. [Upload notes here.] ⑤ Checking for Understanding – Learning Objectives: As you complete #4 above, you will be asked to write two learning objectives for your content area. Be prepared to share your learning objective in class. You will also be asked to turn in your learning objectives in typed form.

15 Step Six: Place the content and activities into the format of your website. Assignment(s) Due Today: Checking for Understanding Activity – Learning Objectives (See #4 above). Materials to Bring to Class Today: Your Guided Notes on Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain and Writing Learning Objectives. Today’s Class Agenda: Bell Ringer Cognitive Domains of Learning Writing Learning Objectives Group Activity: Writing Learning Objectives at Each Level of the Cognitive Domain

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