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JMS Message Throttling Using Work Manager. What is Work Manager? A Work Manager defines a set of request classes and thread constraints that manage work.

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Presentation on theme: "JMS Message Throttling Using Work Manager. What is Work Manager? A Work Manager defines a set of request classes and thread constraints that manage work."— Presentation transcript:

1 JMS Message Throttling Using Work Manager

2 What is Work Manager? A Work Manager defines a set of request classes and thread constraints that manage work performed by WebLogic Server instances. WebLogic Server lets you configure how your application prioritizes the execution of its work based on rules you define

3 Work Manager Components Fair Share Request Class Response Time Request Class Min Threads Constraint Max Threads Constraint Capacity Constraint Context Request Class

4 Configuring Work Manager at Domain Level From the weblogic admin-console navigate to Environment-> Work Managers

5 Configuring Work Manager at Domain Level Create a New Work Manager

6 Configuring Work Manager at Domain Level Once the WM is created navigate to that WM and create a constraint for instance “Maximun Thread Constraint” and set the desired thread count.

7 Using the Work Manager in JMS Proxy Service Work Manager created in admin console can be used while configuring the proxy service as Dispatch policy in JMS Transport Configuration.

8 Simulation to understand how Work Manager works. Navigate to JMS Connection factory which is referred by the JMS proxy service.

9 Simulation to understand how Work Manager works. Under the Client tab, set the Maximum Messages per session as “1”.

10 Simulation to understand how Work Manager works. Porcess Flow: JMSQueue  OSBProxy  Business Service  Bpel Sync Process In the simulation, Bpel Process would wait for 5 seconds before the respective instance completes. OSB Proxy Service is disabled and 5 messages are put into the queue.

11 Simulation to understand how Work Manager works. After putting the messages into queue the proxy service is enabled and the messages are processed in the below pattern. 5 Messges (JMS Queue) OSB Proxy Bpel Process MSG1 MSG5 in 20 th Second

12 Simulation to understand how Work Manager works. As per the pattern each message will take 5 seconds to get processed from Queue. So if the thread constriant has configured as “2”,then for every 5 seconds 2 messages will get processed from the Queue.

13 Advantages of WM over Message Throttling via proxy service  Process/Proxy remains intact.  While Message throttling using proxy configuration,OSB server uses internal queue to store the messages, so when a restart of server is done the corresponding message will be lost.  Reliabilty.

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