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CAPACITY BUILDING NETWORK Informational Meeting November 30, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CAPACITY BUILDING NETWORK Informational Meeting November 30, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPACITY BUILDING NETWORK Informational Meeting November 30, 2012

2 California Tobacco Control Program Shirley Shelton Program Consultant Capacity Building Network Terence Kelly Procurement Manager Procurement Management Unit

3 Informational Meeting Purpose Review current CBN Services Respond to & answer questions Hear any input that you might have Emphasize important dates

4 Tobacco Control in California Mission To eliminate tobacco-related illness, death, and economic burden Goal A tobacco-free California Vision To achieve smoking prevalence rates in California of 10 percent for adults and eight percent for high-school age youth

5 Benefits of Tobacco Control Deaths from lung cancer, heart disease, and other tobacco-related diseases have declined more in California than in other states, saving over one million lives and human suffering. Cumulative savings in health care cost for the program totaled $86 billion

6 Outstanding Success 1988 adult smoking prevalence = 22.7 percent 2011 adult smoking prevalence = 12.0 percent A 47.1 percent decline

7 Challenges Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the U.S. California has approximately 36,000 annual smoking related deaths Tobacco use varies within racial/ethnic groups African American men have a greater smoking prevalence than their counter parts African American women have higher smoking prevalence than other groups LGBT smoking prevalence rates double the state rate

8 CBN RFI Purpose Not the usual solicitation/procurement The RFI is not a Proposal Procurement An opportunity to share ideas on services, methods, etc. Notify public of intent to release Survey interest Identify eligible agencies/proposers Provide description of services/receive feedback Solicit input regarding best practices Work statement Method of services

9 You Should Know! Capacity Building Network Launched services 2008 A new business strategy Address the training needs of CTCP projects Offer training and t/a resources for projects working with priority populations

10 Capacity Building Network (CBN) Rationale California has experienced social, political and economic progress over the last several years Despite progress, disparities persist Tobacco-related disparities reflect large socioeconomic and health inequities Certain demographic groups suffer disproportionately from tobacco hardships

11 CBN Purpose Address the training needs of tobacco control-funded projects Offer training and technical assistance resources for projects working with diverse populations and diverse issues Offer training and technical assistance for projects working to build the capacity of organizations in their community to work on tobacco control with priority populations Increase local capacity to effectively work with diverse populations

12 CBN Services Information Exchange CBN host a peer-to-peer exchange service to facilitate a sharing of local experience from the field through an email listserv. Technical Assistance Trainers CBN currently have agreements with six subject matter experts to provide consultation/assistance to our funded projects. Specifically, these Trainers have been marketed to our agencies and are listed on our web page. We have asked agencies to review their training expertise to select the trainer that would best meet their needs. Agencies are also instructed how to appropriately contact the Trainer of choice. Trainings Subject-matter trainings are offered to increase capacity for proficiency. Trainings conducted: Workshops Seminars Summits symposiums Resources

13 What Are We Looking For? Best Practice Methods for: Expanding the number of agencies serving diverse communities Improving the capacity of CTCP funded agencies and their subcontractors/consultants to adequately serve diverse needs of tobacco control projects Provision of high quality training and technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of tobacco control agencies to work with diverse populations.

14 What Are We Looking For, cont. Strategies to address the training needs of tobacco control-funded projects Provision of training and t/a resources for projects working with priority populations and/or priority population issues Ability to offer training and technical assistance to projects working to build the capacity of organizations in their community to work on tobacco control with priority populations Ability to increase local capacity to effectively work with ethnically diverse populations Increase the number of individuals with cultural sensitivity/experience working with priority populations

15 Budget Anticipate between $1 million and $1.8 million

16 Important Dates January 4, 2013 (5:00 p.m.) page 9 California Tobacco Control Program P.O. Box 997377, M.S. 7206 Sacramento, CA 95899-7377 Attn: Shirley Shelton CBN RFP Release Date Spring 2013


18 CONTACT Shirley Shelton 916 552-9829

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