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ProQuest Dissertation Publishing ETD Administrator June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ProQuest Dissertation Publishing ETD Administrator June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProQuest Dissertation Publishing ETD Administrator June 2012

2 Agenda  Dissertation Publishing Program  ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis Database  Electronic Theses and Dissertation Administrator Overview  Conclusion 2

3  Most top-ranked research universities – as defined by the Carnegie Foundation – publish with ProQuest  Includes works by authors from more than 1,700 graduate schools and universities the world over  The number of new dissertations and theses published annually is nearly 80,000  Universities such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton have participated for more than 50 years  Not just PhDs – Thousands of Master’s Degrees are published each year Scope of Dissertation Publishing Program 3

4  More than 3,000 libraries around the world subscribe to the ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database (PQDT)  Including 70% of the world’s top universities  Notable universities include: Customers -Harvard University -Yale University -Princeton University -University of Chicago -Stanford University -Oxford University -University of Toronto -Peking University -University of Hong Kong -University of Queensland 4

5 ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Collection 5  World’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses with 2.7 million graduate works  Includes dissertations and master’s theses from 1861 to the present

6  For 70 years, millions of researchers have looked at PQDT to find the latest graduate research  ProQuest provides dissertation citations to all major field or subject specific indexes, for example ChemAbstracts, PsycINFO, ERIC, ABI/INFORM, etc.  Global access – ProQuest publishes the world’s most widely used PhD and master’s theses research tools  Maximizes discoverability – More than 200,000,000 searches in PQDT in 2011 alone!  ProQuest is a non-exclusive publisher  Author keeps their copyright 6 ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Collection

7  Maintain and preserve dissertations and theses collection digitally and on microform  Microfilm copies are created for all dissertations and master’s theses, whether submitted on paper or as digital files  Tests have shown that microform is archivally secure for 1,000 years  For Digital Preservation - Working toward “Trusted Digital Repository Status” using OCLC / RLG Guidelines Digital and Microfilm Preservation

8 Now – NO FEE to participate  ProQuest has eliminated the fee to participate when using the UMI Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD) Administrator – send dissertations and theses for publishing at no charge  UMI ETD Administrator is a no-fee web based submission and management system.  Each ETD Administrator site is customized specifically for the university  Nearly 500 universities use the UMI ETD Administrator to submit dissertations and theses to ProQuest 8

9  Easy for administrators / universities – Administrators log on to do degree clearance, review and manage submissions, communicate with students by email, and send on to ProQuest.  The system keeps track of all actions – No more paper to store, keep track of, and ship!  Great for libraries – Free delivery of the pre-print to libraries, which can be used in a library’s institutional repository.  University Publishing Agreement - Option for university to include custom publishing agreement (and embargo options) as part of the UMI ETD Administrator. This enables the university to capture publishing rights in the tool. Key Advantages of the System 9

10 Through a simple step-by-step process, each student can upload his or her graduate work and all relevant information. The administrator for your school is alerted when each student submission is complete, and has the opportunity to review all information before sending the submission to ProQuest. Student Submission Process: 7 Easy Steps 10

11 11

12 The Administrator Role Every ETD Administrator site will have one primary administrator, and depending on the size and needs of your university, you can add additional administrators as well. The administrator is alerted when new submissions are completed, and must review each submission before they are sent to ProQuest. Submissions can be sent individually or in batches. The administrator can also have the prepublication version of each submission dropped of at a university FTP site for loading into an IR. 12

13 Site Administrator Model – for review, approval & delivery 13

14 Site Administrator Model – for review, approval & delivery 14

15 Site Administrator Model – for review, approval & delivery 15

16  ProQuest will create your university’s customized ETD Administrator site once the university provides ProQuest with some necessary information  See the list of information that you will need to supply to ProQuest in the “Site Set Up” document  This information needs to be input into the “Sign Up Your Institution” webpage at the URL here: Steps to Creating Your Site 16

17  After the university completes the “Sign Up Your University” form, ProQuest will:  Build your customized ETD Administrator site to the specifications that you indicated in the set up form  Schedule a Webinar (telephone and internet) training session for the primary site administrators at the universities who will be using the system  After the training session occurs, you will be ready to submit dissertations to ProQuest! Steps to Creating Your Site 17

18  Questions:  Austin McLean ( 18

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