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Experiences and Thoughts on Teaching Standards Heejin Lee, Professor, Younsei University WSC Academic Day 2015 Education about.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences and Thoughts on Teaching Standards Heejin Lee, Professor, Younsei University WSC Academic Day 2015 Education about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences and Thoughts on Teaching Standards Heejin Lee, Professor, Younsei University WSC Academic Day 2015 Education about Standardization Seoul, 26 August 2015

2 Outline Course: Digital Business & Standardization Other Teaching and Research Lessons and Challenges 2

3 Digital Business and Standardization Originally started in 2011 by support of APEC SCSC (Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance); APEC Strategic Standards and Conformance Education Program 2007-2011 A Master-level course in International Management Program, Graduate School of International Studies 3 credit (3 hours per week) Four weeks dedicated to standards out of 14 weeks, though other topics have relevance to standards & standardization 20~30 students enrolled Textbooks: Laudon & Traver ; APEC 3

4 Course Overview: Rationale Designed to help students understand contemporary digital business environments Standards and standardisation(SS) are a core notion of digital business; increasingly important in digital business and EC All the topics in DB are related to SS in some way and another To understand and win competition in DB and ICT sectors today, it is essential to know SS and how they work Key notions: network effects, path dependency, IPR (i.e. standard-essential patents), platform, etc. 4

5 Syllabus: Learning Outcomes The course aim is to help students understand the concepts, business models, and technologies surrounding DB, including SS It also seeks to enable students to assess both the opportunities and the risks for those firms involved in DB with focus on SS After completing the course, students will be able to: Explain the basic concepts and technologies of DB and standardisation, Discuss organizational, business, and social issues of DB and standardisation, and Analyse and evaluate DB and standardisation strategies currently in practice 5

6 Student Activities Group assignment A team project for case writing Encouraged to select a case of SS relevance E.g. ‘IoT and standardization’, ‘SEP-related’, etc. Field Trip ICT exhibition like ‘World IT Show’ Asked to find one item of relevance to SS Exam 6

7 Student Feedback Positive “the diversity and connectivity among the topics” “was able to learn a lot about DB and standardization, something I was never aware of” “varied approaches to a common subject helped to open up the different concepts, and multiple examples further drove the point home” “Overall, the sessions were beneficial to widen the views of standard in various industries and businesses” For Improvements “a rather fractured picture of standards” “too much for both DB and SS” 7

8 Other Teaching and Research ICT and Development A subject for ICT4D (ICT and developing countries) ‘Standards & Standardization’ is a topic for this subject Aid for trade, DC’s participation in international SS, FTA (e.g. TBT, conformity) etc. PhD students Four students (funded by NRF) Innovation & standardization in developing countries; IoT standardization (focusing on China); standards setting processes & KM 8

9 Funded by SSK (Social Science Korea), National Research Foundation A group of eight researchers from Yonsei + Seoul National University Multi-disciplinary: IS, sociology, strategic and technology management, economics, law, political science Growth 1 st stage of three years (2011-2014): about US$120,000 per year 2 nd stage of three years (2014-2017): about US$250,000 per year 3 rd stage of four years (2017-2021): ? Standards & Standardisation Research at Yonsei

10 Lessons and Challenges Course design Too much to teach and learn Guidelines for instructors needed e.g. for the APEC textbook, which chapters in what sequence; it is not written for easy reading as a textbook Content New examples needed from contemporary businesses Two textbooks; too much For high-performer, intellectually stimulating; for low- performer, not easy to follow Program or Master degree program? PhD students Identity problem What brands? 10

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