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WORK, ENERGY, AND POWER. WORK ENERGY required to move an object a certain distance W = F · d Where: W = work (joules or kilojoules) F = force (N) d =

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2 WORK ENERGY required to move an object a certain distance W = F · d Where: W = work (joules or kilojoules) F = force (N) d = displacement (m)

3 WORK Two Rules: Objects must have a force applied (accelerate) Objects must be displaced (use +/- signs) Ex: Mr. F pushes against the wall for an hour without the wall moving and then gives up…work done on the wall? Ex: A book falls from a desk and freefalls to the ground…work done on the book? (+/- ?)

4 WORK Example: A pro-wrestler lifts an opponent 1 meter over his head with 2000N of force. How much work did the wrestler do?

5 WORK Example: A pro-wrestler lifts an opponent 1 meter over his head with 2000N of force. How much work did the wrestler do? He lowers the opponent instead of throwing them…how much work did the wrestler do?

6 KINETIC ENERGY (K) When an object is moving it has kinetic energy K = 1/2mv 2 Where: K = Kinetic energy (J or kJ) m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s)

7 KINETIC ENERGY (K) Example: A roller coaster cart with a mass of 250kg reaches a speed of 19.5 m/s at the bottom of a hill. How much kinetic energy does the cart have?

8 WORK & KINETIC ENERGY (K) Since work is done when something is accelerated (changes velocity) we can relate K and W. W = K final – K initial

9 WORK & KINETIC ENERGY (K) Example: The rollercoaster cart with a mass of 250kg slowed from 19.5m/s to 5 m/s going up a hill. How much work did the cart do to climb the hill?

10 BEFORE WE PRACTICE Main ideas: - Both W and K use Joules and kiloJoules - Work requires displacement - Kinetic energy requires movement (velocity) - The difference in K is equal to W

11 WORK MINI LAB There are 7 different objects placed around the room: 1) Mass the object on a scale 2) Multiply by 9.8 m/s 2 to get force 3) Lift the mass a total of 1 meter high 4) Calculate the work done to lift the mass On a separate sheet of paper make a data table: Object Mass (kg)Force (N) Distance (m)Work (J)

12 WORK Let’s say you have to move a couch into a U-Haul truck…is it easier to lift it vertically into the truck or to use the ramp? Which requires less work?Which requires less work

13 WORK Squat vs. Leg Press – which is easier?

14 REVIEW FROM YESTERDAY - No distance moved = no work done - Speeding up and slowing down require work - Kinetic energy not the same as velocity W = FdK = 1/2mv 2 W = K f – K i a.k.aW = (1/2mv f 2 ) – (1/2mv i 2 )

15 EXAMPLE: A gun exerts a 15,000N force on a 0.1kg bullet over a distance of 0.25 m. Assuming the bullet starts from rest, what is the final velocity of the bullet?

16 MINI LAB - Measure the mass of the dune buggy - Measure the velocity of the buggy with a meter stick and stopwatch - Use K = 1/2mv 2 to calculate the kinetic energy of the buggy. - Record this data and show all work on a separate sheet of paper and hand in 1/group

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