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Figure 1. Kar9p transport from spindle poles to microtubule plus-ends. Kar9- GFP decorates the spindle pole at t=0. As microtubules grow away from the.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 1. Kar9p transport from spindle poles to microtubule plus-ends. Kar9- GFP decorates the spindle pole at t=0. As microtubules grow away from the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 1. Kar9p transport from spindle poles to microtubule plus-ends. Kar9- GFP decorates the spindle pole at t=0. As microtubules grow away from the pole, a fraction of Kar9p moves toward the bud at the same rate as microtubule growth.

2 Figure 2. Microtubule-cortical interactions: Lateral (left) or end-on (right) interactions between microtubules (lt. blue filament) and dynein (two-headed motor) result in bud-ward directed nuclear movement. Microtubules either slide along the cortex, or bind to cortical sites at the tip of the bud. Microtubule plus-end disassembly (right) would result in bud-ward directed nuclear migration.

3 Figure 1. Bim1p/Kar9p orient microtubule plus-ends via the actin cytoskeleton. Kar9 binds to the daughter spindle pole and is transported to microtubule plus-ends (a). At the plus-ends, Kar9p via Myo2p and actin directs microtubules to the bud (b). Once in the bud, microtubule shortening from the plus-end and/or sliding powers nuclear migration. + + + + + a b c Kar9p microtubule F-actin nucleus Bni1p

4 Figure 2. Cytoplasmic dynein binds microtubule plus-ends and promotes nuclear migration through the bud. Dynein is bound by cortically anchored Num1p. Dynein promotes microtubule sliding along the cortex, or microtubule plus-end shortening. + + + + - - dynein microtubule F-actin nucleus a b Num1p

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