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Presentation on theme: "SEMINAR REPORT ON SOFTWARE Submitted by: SREEJITH.B Class No:10 S1CS."— Presentation transcript:



3 Acknowledgement  I take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of my seminar.  I wish to express my sincere gratitude to for providing me guidelines in the presentation of seminar.  I also thank all the lecturers in the department of computer science for their whole hearted co-operation and guidance in completing my seminar successfully.  I also thank to computer science senior students and my friends which went a long way to make this seminar a satisfying experience for me. Acknowledgement  I take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of my seminar.  I wish to express my sincere gratitude to for providing me guidelines in the presentation of seminar.  I also thank all the lecturers in the department of computer science for their whole hearted co-operation and guidance in completing my seminar successfully.  I also thank to computer science senior students and my friends which went a long way to make this seminar a satisfying experience for me.

4 CONTENTS page no Introduction…………………………………………. 5 Software……………………………………………… 6 Classification of software…………………………… 7 1) System software 2) Application software Relationship between hardware & software………. Software figures……………………………………… Conclusion…………………………………………… Reference…………………………………………….

5 I NTRODUCTION SSoftware is a set of instructions to perform a desired and useful work, by which the operations of the computer for the computations and processing are controlled. TThe term software system can be defined as the system software and application software that must be added to a host machine (hardware) in order to realise some desired function. TTTThe computer consists of hardware and software and the software drives the hardware. That means without the software the computer can do nothing. TTTThe process of software development is called programming. TTTTo do programming the programmer should have detailed knowledge of the problem to be solved, the corresponding algorithm and the particular programming language to solve a problem or develop software.

6 SOFTWARE AA sequence of instructions written in a language that can be understood by a computer is called a computer program, the program is called SOFTWARE. AA computer without software is like a body without life. AA computer is an extremely fast, accurately calculating machine that takes data as input and processes them according to a set of instructions to produce the desired result as output. WWhen a stored software program is executed, the following things happen: 1) Data get into the computer’s memory from an input device like keyboard or secondary storage device such as floppy diskette or hard disk. 2)The data given as input is processed according to the program. 3)Output information is produced on the VDU (i.e. softcopy) or printed on to a sheet of paper (i.e. hard copy)

7 Classification of Software  System software  Application software System software SSystem software, also known as a system package, is a set of one or more programs designed to control the operation of a computer system. SSystem software is a collection of programs that directly control the computer’s internal operations and also that help ordinary users to make use of a computer effectively and efficiently. TThe programs included in a system software are called system programs and the person who prepares systems software is referred to as a system programmer.

8 C lassification of System Software Operating system Operating system, which acts as an interface between the user and the hardware, is a set of programs that control, and co-ordinate the operations of a computer and help to make efficient use of its resources. Main Functions Of Operating System PProcess Management MMemory Management FFile Management SSecurity CCommand Interpretation

9 Language processors AA computer can understand only machine language. LLanguages processors are the system program that translates assembly or high level language instructions into equivalent machine language instructions. DDDDifferent type of language Processor Assemble The assembler of a computer system is a system software, supplied by the computer manufacturer, which translates an assembly language program into its equivalent machine language program. Compiler Compiler is a translator program, which translates a high level language program into its equivalent machine language program. Interpreter It takes one statement of a high level language program, translates it into machine language instructions, and then immediately executes the resulting machine language instructions.

10 Application software Software developed for specific application is called application software. Application software is a set of one or more programs, designed to solve a specific problem, or do a specific task for an individual or an organization. Application software includes prewritten software packages, custom made programs and utilities. Prewritten software Prewritten software packages address the processing needs of many users, whereas custom-made programs (customized software) meet the requirements of specific organization or individual. Prewritten software are: 1)Word processing packages 2)Graphics and multimedia packages 3)Electronic spreadsheets 4) Database management packages 5)Desk top publishing packages

11 Utilities Utilities are those application programs that assist the computer by performing housekeeping functions like backing up disk or scanning/cleaning viruses or arranging information etc. some important utilities are: 1)Test Editor 2)Bank up Utility 3)Compression Utility 4)Disk Defragmenter 5) Antivirus Software Customized Software Custom-software development is needed as a consequence of computerization process. Custom-made software are generally for data-processing needs and building information system. Some common application where custom-made software is required are: 1) Payroll 2) Accounting 3) Air-line reservation 4) Insurance 5) Government 6) Banking 7) Library management 8) Sales and Inventory Control 9) Hospital management

12 Relationship Between Hardware & Software BBoth hardware & software are necessary for a computer to computer to do useful job. Both are complementary to each other. SSame hardware can be loaded with different software to make a computer perform different types of jobs just as different songs can be played using the same cassette player.

13 SOFTWARE FIGURES Software system added to host machine

14 Classification of Software

15 CONCLUSION SSoftware is a set of instructions to perform a desired and useful work, by which the operations of the computer for the computations and processing are controlled. TThe term software system can be defined as the system software and application software that must be added to a host machine (hardware) in order to realize some desired function. TThe term software refers to a collection of programs.

16 References Computer fundamentals (Fourth Edition) - Pradeep k. Sinha Priti Sinha Computer Fundamentals with C programming (Second Edition) - Sabu G. R Computer Science (Arjun Books, class +1) - G. S. Anil Kumar Hashir. A Shiju S. S


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