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HS111 Medical Terminology Final Seminar October 19 th – October 25 th, 2011.

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1 HS111 Medical Terminology Final Seminar October 19 th – October 25 th, 2011

2 1. Complete Reading – Ch. 16 (aka. THE END!) 2. Participate in Discussion – working in an endocrinologist office 3. Participate in Seminar – Opt. 1 or Opt. 2 4. Take Quiz 5. No project due (I’ll be grading the Unit 8 Projects over the weekend)

3 Chapter 16

4  Regulates body activities through the use of chemical messengers called hormones  Hormones, when released in the bloodstream, influence metabolic activities, growth, and development  Hormones secreted by the endocrine glands (which make up the Endocrine System) go right into the bloodstream and travel throughout the entire body = these are called ductless glands  Exocrine or duct glands – have ducts that carry their secretions from the producing gland to other parts of the body  Major endocrine glands & organs – Pituitary gland, Thymus gland, Ovaries & Testes, Pancreas, Adrenal gland, Thyroid gland (parathyroid)


6 Aden/o...........................gland Adren/o, adrenal/o.....adrenal glands Cortic/o.........................cortex Endocrin/o.............endocrine Parathyroid/o......parathyroid glands Pituitar/o.......pituitary gland Thyroid/o, thyr/o............thyroid gland

7 Acr/o.....extremities, height Calc/i......................calcium Dips/o.........................thirst Kal/i....................potassium Natr/o......................sodium Suffix:, running

8 Please breakdown the following terms and define: 1. Hypothyroidism 2. Hyperglycemia 3. Adenectomy

9  Adren/o/megaly – enlargement of the adrenal glands  Hypo/natr/emia – deficient sodium in blood  Hyper/thyroid/ism – state of excessive thyroid gland activity  Hypo/glyc/emia – deficient sugar in blood (in diabetics)  Hypo/thyroid/ism – state of deficient thyroid gland activity  Parathyroid/oma – tumor of parathyroid gland

10  Gigantism – condition brought about by overproduction of growth hormone by pituitary gland before puberty  Goiter – enlargement of thyroid gland  Diabetes mellitus – chronic disease involving a disorder of CHO metabolism caused by under-activity of islets of Langerhans and high blood sugar

11  Aden/ectomy – excision of a gland  Thyroid/o/tomy – incision of the thyroid gland  Fasting blood sugar – blood test performed after patient has been fasting for 8-10 hrs to determine BG levels  Thyroid-stimulating hormone level – test to determine hyperthyroidism

12  Endocrinologist – MD who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine (system)  Euthyroid – resembling a normal thyroid gland  Polydipsia – abnormal state of being thirsty  Hormone – chemical substance secreted by an endocrine gland that is carried in the blood to a target tissue  Metabolism – sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in a living organism  Abbreviations on p.761


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