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Main Function: Communicates /controls actions of other glands and organs by the secretion of hormones. Gland - A cell, group of cells, or organ that produces.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Function: Communicates /controls actions of other glands and organs by the secretion of hormones. Gland - A cell, group of cells, or organ that produces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Function: Communicates /controls actions of other glands and organs by the secretion of hormones. Gland - A cell, group of cells, or organ that produces a secretion, such as a hormone, for use elsewhere in the body Hormones - chemicals released into the bloodstream that cause a reaction in another part of the body.

2 Pituitary Gland Function: - produces human growth hormone - controls growth and all other endocrine glands. Disorders: -Gigantism too much HGH -Pituitary Dwarfism – too little HGH Robert Wadlow

3 Thyroid Gland Hormone: Thyroxin Function: controls metabolism. Disorders: Hyperthyroidism-too much thyroxin; fast metabolism Hypothyroidism- too little thyroxin; slow metabolism

4 Pancreas Hormone: Insulin Function: controls blood sugar level. Disorders: Diabetes mellitus- disease in which the pancreas fails to produce insulin or the body does not properly use Insulin

5 Hypothalamus Def.: Portion of brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions Location: In the brain below the thalamus & above the brain stem Function: Controls release of hormones from the pituitary gland; links the endocrine and nervous systems.

6 The Brain and Glands The brain and glands work together to maintain homeostasis through positive and negative feedback. The feedback the brain gets is from the information it collects as the hypothalamus monitors the bloodstream. Using this information, the brain knows what hormones to start and stop releasing.

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