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THE MARKET OF DANUBE NAVIGATION from the presentation series „Basics of Inland Navigation“

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1 THE MARKET OF DANUBE NAVIGATION from the presentation series „Basics of Inland Navigation“

2 The Market of Danube Navigation 10.11.2014 2 Goods and Tourism Transport Volume in the Danube Region Success Stories

3 Danube Region 90 Mio. inhabitants transport mode for industrial sites along the Danube steel, paper, petroleum and chemical industries along with the mechanical engineering and automotive industry are to be found within the catchment area of the Danube fertile soil -> agricultural raw materials 3 10.11.2014

4 The Danube as… logical Partner of resource-intensive industry because of its: bulk freight capacity proximity to raw material markets large free transport capacities low transport costs ( compensate longer transport times) safety standards size and infrastructure (no adaptations for heavy and over-size cargo necessary) 4 10.11.2014

5 Transport Volume on the Austrian Danube by commodity groups 2012 5 10.11.2014

6 Traditional Markets dry cargo ore, raw material oil agricultural and forestry products 6 account together for around 50 % of the total transport volume of goods transported annually on the Austria Danube. Quelle: Hafen Linz (Linz AG)Quelle: via donau 10.11.2014

7 Traditional Markets bulk cargo 7 petroleum products account for around 20 % of the total transport volume of goods transported annually on the Austria Danube. Quelle: viadonau 10.11.2014

8 Other Cargo construction material used materials and waste biogenic raw materials heavy/oversized goods new cars 8 source: viadonau source: EHG Ennshafen GmbH source: viadonau source: Hafen Wien, Bioprodukte Pinczker GmbH 8 10.11.2014

9 Tourismus at the Austrian Danube about 1 mio. passengers/year on passenger vessels in Austria cruises to the black sea more and more popular cycling and hiking paths complete the tourist offer 9 besides its importance as a mode of transport also popular leisure destination source: viadonau/Andi Bruckner Cabin Vessel on the Danube 10.11.2014

10 Tourismus at the Austrian Danube 10 more than 1 million passengers in 2013 10.11.2014

11 11 Goods and Tourism Transport Volume in the Danube Region Success Stories 10.11.2014

12 Freight Transport on the Entire Danube in million tons/year (2011) 12 10.11.2014

13 Freight Transport on the Austrian Danube 1997-2012 Quelle: Statistik Austria 13 10.11.2014

14 Cross-border Freight Transport at the Austrian Danube 2012 14 10.11.2014

15 15 Goods and Tourism Transport Volume in the Danube Region Success Stories 10.11.2014

16 Coal Transport from ship to power plant on the conveyor… via inland vessel to the transhipment site Pichelsdorf loading via loading hopper on the conveyor 3.2 km conveyor to the power plant Dürnrohr endhaulage to the power plant virtually CO 2 and No x neutral 2 million tons coal/year 16 © viadonau long-term goal: 50 % of the coal should be delivered to the power plant via inland vessel 10.11.2014

17 Automotive Logistics with inland vessels new car transport by BLG Logistics from Kelheim to Budapest motor cargo vessel for 200 to 260 cars regular timetable: two departures/week transhipment via Ro-Ro ramp 17 © viadonau transport of around 250,000 new cars till 2012 10.11.2014

18 Wind Power Plants via inland vessels transhipment site of Bad Deutsch- Altenburg provides wind parks with parts and compontents 1-2 inland vessels/week capacity/vessel: complete tower (135 metres/1,600 tons) 18 by using the transhipment site: use of road has beed reduced to a minimum 10.11.2014

19 Sources via donau (2013): Manual on Danube Navigation, Vienna. Order: via donau (2014): Danube Navigation in Austria– Annual Report 2013, Vienna. Download : INeS Danube information platform on intermodal inland navigation Homepage : 19 10.11.2014

20 Contact Lisa-Maria Putz, BSc MA Project Leader REWWay Logistikum – University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH Wehrgrabengasse 1-3, 4400 Steyr/Austria Tel.: +43 50804-33253 Fax: +43 50804-33299 e-mail: web1: web2: 20 10.11.2014

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