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Executive Committee Howard Gordon August 3, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Committee Howard Gordon August 3, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Committee Howard Gordon August 3, 2005

2 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 2 Agenda 1:30 PM – Brief Status of the Research Program Gordon/Tuts (Mike gave an overview in the general meeting) 1:50 PM – 3.1 Silicon – Abe Seiden 2:20 PM - 3.2 TRT – Harold Ogren 2:50 PM - 3.3 Liquid Argon – Ryszard Stroynowski 3:20 PM 3.4 Tilecal – Larry Price 3:50 PM Break 4:00 PM 3.5 Muon – Frank Taylor 4:30 PM 3.6 Trigger/DAQ – Andy Lankford 5:00 PM 2. Computing Priorities – Jim Shank - including Tier 2C plans 5:30 PM 4. Upgrade R&D priorities – Abe Seiden 6:00 PM Other calls on the Research Program: (part time?) person at CERN to help with housing, installation of individuals, etc. Peter Jenni’s request for the Cost to Complete 6:30 PM AOB - COLA, the next two Tier 2 solicitation

3 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 3 Outline  Construction Project – CD-4A Review Aug. 24  Closeout documents  Last BCP is being finalized  FY06 Allocations  Research Program  FY06 Priorities -> first allocations

4 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 4 Closure Reports  4A_Status_Sheets.htm 4A_Status_Sheets.htm  Pictures are easy - lessons learned harder to admit

5 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 5 Closeout Report

6 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 6 FY06 Construction Project

7 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 7 Research Program Budget Guidance  Original targets based on bottoms up estimates, modified by funding guidance  Priorities being evaluated (AY M$)FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08 Physics & Computing4.68.510.514.815.6 M&O5. Upgrade R&D0. Management Reserve0.0 DOE guidance7.312.821.322.624.0 NSF guidance2. Total9.918.129.631.633.0

8 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 8 Target Chart We need to see your priorities of 1)what is included in the target 2)priority number for items in MR

9 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 9 Real Details!

10 Toronto Meeting 8-2005 10 Funding Issues (from Mike Tuts at IB meeting)  Despite high priority of the LHC program, our funding is always under pressure from outside  And internal pressures as well…  ATLAS detector cost to complete  International ATLAS requesting RP funds (6MCHF for Cost to Complete)  Additional collaborators, physics analysis support  Additional strains on RP budget  Travel/COLA costs  Growing awareness among the agencies that this is a problem for the core program  Computing  Try and tap into other sources for grid related computing

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