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Kansas Streambank Database Erika Stanley Kansas Water Office March 16, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Streambank Database Erika Stanley Kansas Water Office March 16, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Streambank Database Erika Stanley Kansas Water Office March 16, 2016

2 Why do we care about streambanks?

3 Streambank Assessments KWO has evaluated streambank erosion above all public water supply reservoirs Compared historic aerial imagery to most recent NAIP Imagery


5 Calculating Sediment Loads Bank Height (field measurements, LiDAR) Calculate surface area using ArcGIS Surface Area * Height = Volume Soil Bulk Density * Volume = Mass Divide by # Yrs between photos = Annual sediment load from streambank sites (tons/yr)

6 Future potential of LiDAR Two LiDAR passes Geomorphic Change Detection Creation of sediment budgets showing accumulation and erosion

7 Completed Assessments Clinton Milford Perry Tuttle Creek Hillsdale Melvern Pomona Council Grove John Redmond Marion Konopolis Wilson Big Hill Elk City Fall River Toronto

8 Streambank Stabilization Documentation of projects – 213 constructed projects in database – 19 planned sites

9 Streambank Restoration Team Increased communication and interagency coordination Interagency priorities and pooling of resources Consistent project administration – KWO – Assessments/Geodatabase – KDHE (WRAPS) – Outreach/Local Coordination – KDA (DOC) – Technical Assistance and Construction Unified outreach strategy to promote awareness and support


11 Practical Applications Help identify whether streambanks or land surface sources are largest contributors in the watershed Identify which streambank sites are going to give the most bank for the buck Summarize work that has been completed and what still needs to be done Evaluate effectiveness of projects in the future

12 John Redmond Streambank Assessment Number of “hotspots” identified: 275 Contributing 339,979 tons/year into streams 35 streambank projects have been completed 240 hotspots still need to be address Accounts for 42% of total sediment load deposited into MP Pool Approximate cost: $15M


14 Future Considerations Add datasets that will help paint a full picture of the watershed – BMP Implementation – Riparian data Continued collaboration with other agencies to help prioritize projects & funding

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