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EEEB0765 Digital Signal Processing for Embedded Systems 3 DSP Transforms: FFT and DCT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peerapol Yuvapoositanon Dept. of Electronic Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "EEEB0765 Digital Signal Processing for Embedded Systems 3 DSP Transforms: FFT and DCT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peerapol Yuvapoositanon Dept. of Electronic Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEEB0765 Digital Signal Processing for Embedded Systems 3 DSP Transforms: FFT and DCT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peerapol Yuvapoositanon Dept. of Electronic Engineering CESdSP DSPEB- 1 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon

2 Outline Simulink for Real-time Estimation FFT and Short-Time FFT (STFFT) Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) CESdSP EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-2

3 FFT From Sometimes, we prefer EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-3

4 Embedded FFT FFT is embedded in many instruments: Scope, Spectrum Analyzer. In Simulink, we can use Spectrum Scope in Signal Processing Blockset. EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-4

5 Embedded FFT EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-5 ex_fft_tut.slx

6 Filters Analysis with FDATOOL and FFT Testing a filter sweeping frequency with FDATOOL. FFT block can interact with FDATOOL. EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-6

7 Filters Analysis with FDATOOL and FFT EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-7 doc_vectorscope_tut_mod.mdl

8 Short-time FFT (STFFT) The data to be transformed could be broken up into chunks or frames. EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-8

9 Short-time FFT (STFFT) W(n) is a window function EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-9

10 Uncertainty Principle Comparison of STFT resolution. The left fig. has better time resolution, and the right one has better frequency resolution. EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-10

11 Comparison: Periodogram v.s STFFT EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-11 dspstfft.mdl

12 Comparison: Periodogram v.s STFFT EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-12

13 Discrete Cosine Transform EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-13

14 x = (1:100) + 50*cos((1:100)*2*pi/40); EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-14

15 Three Largest DCT Coeff X = dct(x); plot(X) EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-15

16 99 % of energy is in a few (3) coefficients [XX,ind] = sort(abs(X)); ind = fliplr(ind); i = 1; while (norm([X(ind(1:i)) zeros(1,100- i)])/norm(X)<.99) i = i + 1; end EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-16 i=3

17 Idct(X) No. of Coefficients = 100 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-17 testdct.m

18 No. of Coefficients = 3 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-18

19 No. of Coefficients = 5 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-19

20 No. of Coefficients = 6 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-20

21 No. of Coefficients = 7 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-21

22 No. of Coefficients = 8 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-22

23 No. of Coefficients = 9 EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-23

24 2D-DCT CESdSP EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-24

25 2D DCT Demo A = im2double(imread('rice.png')); D = dctmtx(size(A,1)); dct = D*A*D'; figure; imshow(dct) CESdSP EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-25

26 Image to be transformed Rice.png CESdSP EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-26

27 A = im2double(imread('rice.png')); D = dctmtx(size(A,1)); dct = D*A*D'; figure; imshow(dct) EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-27

28 DCT Coefficients CESdSP EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-28 Large values Small values

29 Reconstruction A=D'*dct*D; imshow(A) EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-29

30 Now Construct the reduced >> rddct =zeros(size(A)); EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-30

31 = 30 x 30 >> rddct(1:30,1:30)=dct(1:30,1:30) ; >> Ard = D'*rddct*D; >> imshow(Ard) EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-31

32 = 50 x 50 >> rddct(1:50,1:50)=dct(1:50,1:50) ; >> Ard = D'*rddct*D; >> imshow(Ard) EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-32

33 = 90 x 90 >> rddct(1:90,1:90)=dct(1:90,1:90) ; >> Ard = D'*rddct*D; >> imshow(Ard) EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-33

34 JPEG Compression Standard EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-34

35 Demo on JPEG Coding EEEB0765 DSP fort Embedded Systems Assoc. Prof. Dr. P.Yuvapoositanon DSPEB-35 block2D_dct_demo.mdl >> I = imread('cameraman.tif');

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