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Patient Experience in Care Homes Tanya Strange, Divisional Nurse, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board GWASB Conference 22 nd March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Patient Experience in Care Homes Tanya Strange, Divisional Nurse, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board GWASB Conference 22 nd March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient Experience in Care Homes Tanya Strange, Divisional Nurse, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board GWASB Conference 22 nd March 2016

2 Why? Panorama- Winterbourne View Operation Jasmine- Early Warnings Giving Citizens in Care Homes a Voice

3 Supporting Older People In Nursing Homes Funded through NHS Charitable Funds NHS retired nurses, allied health professionals, technicians and administrators acting as volunteers. Royal Voluntary Service- Residential Homes

4 Aim of C.H.A.aT To provide older people and relatives: An opportunity to speak in confidence about their care experiences Give older people and relatives a voice Care Homes/interested parties use feedback to improve services for ALL older people in residential care Collective celebration and sharing of best practice across the sector Rapid identification of potential safeguarding issues

5 Patient Experience We gather older peoples views on whether: They are treated with dignity and respect They still feel part of a community They are involved in decisions about care and home life They are able to make decisions about their own health They enjoy living in the home They have confidence in the staff caring for them If older people are unable to communicate- we speak to relatives

6 Engagement, Training and Governance Protection of Vulnerable Adults Whistleblowing Dementia Communication Deprivation of Liberty Confidentiality DBS Occupational Health Escalation and Support Focus Groups

7 Pilot Evaluation (Key Themes) Examples of good practice: “I want to go to Barry” “ I want to ride my bike again” Participating in Community Life Virtual Cruise

8 Pilot Evaluation (Key Themes) Needed to Change In the home: Access to the Community Activities Advance Care Planning / Involvement and Choice Transition Planning Provision of Information Support for relatives- relative ‘clinics’ in care homes “We’ve heard about Jasmine. What if we get it wrong?” and.........

9 Responding to feedback Residents and relatives said: ”We want a ‘Trip Advisor’ for care homes”- real live feedback “We need more support when we need to choose a home”

10 Health Technology Challenge (Wales) Scheme Setting it up: Introduced to SEWAHSP Discussed/Scoped Potential Posted an idea Meetings Bid Collaborative Project Board Ministerial Public Launch For Care Homes

11 Older People, Relatives, 82/101 Nursing and Residential Homes

12 Governance and Benefits Philosophy- ‘Sharing is Caring’ Contract between the Care Home Provider and the Good Care Guide Links to other sources of information Openness/Transparency Service Users/Families can rate their care Moderation process ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ reviews published HTC monies- ‘Enhanced Profile’ 82/101 homes Medium of Welsh (1,000 Lives) Providers can respond quickly to concerns- early warning signs Nurses- 3 rd Party Feedback (NMC) Can compare Gwent Homes with rest of Wales/UK

13 Looking for a home in Caerphilly? arch/?category=5&radioName=post code&keyword=np12+3nf&miles=1 0&

14 DVD Think About Me

15 Comparison Potential

16 Hospital C.H.A.aT Feedback about transition Funding from CSCF Training Psychology input Age Cymru’s checklist Pilot Feb 16

17 National Recognition C.H.A.aT NHS Wales Award 2014- Putting Citizens at the Centre NHS Wales Award 2014- Outstanding Innovation C.H.A.aT and ‘Think About Me’ Patient Experience Network National Award 2015- Involving and Engaging with Patients and Families National RCN Nurse of the Year 2015- Enhancing Patient Experience Category Kate Granger Compassionate Care Award- 2015

18 Next Steps and New Innovations Ongoing partnership/evaluation of ‘Think About Me’ (HTC) Choice of Accommodation Policy Transition pilot- advocacy, psychological support Evaluate ‘Hospital C.H.A.aT’- relative clinics/EMI wards (CSCFC) “Prescription for Loneliness”- Befriending/SSAFA (HTC Competition) “Hootvox”- NHS patient feedback- 50 service areas (HTC Competition) Mental Health First Aid/ First Aid- Prisoners (1,000 Lives)

19 Thank You Questions? Tanya Strange- Divisional Nurse Email: Twitter: @strangetanya Tel: 07837 022488/01495 241220

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