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Grace Carolan-Rees Arek Mazurek, Brian Western, Chris Edwards

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1 Grace Carolan-Rees Arek Mazurek, Brian Western, Chris Edwards
Are LED sources suitable for light testing in photosensitivity disorders? Grace Carolan-Rees Arek Mazurek, Brian Western, Chris Edwards

2 What is photosensitivity?
Skin disorder. Allergy to sunlight UVB, UVA, visible light or a combination may be responsible

3 Skin conditions Polymorphic Light Eruption (PLE)
Chronic Actinic Dermatitis (CAD) Solar Urticaria Drug Induced Photosensitivity

4 Polymorphic Light Eruption (PLE)
Affects 10% – 20% of population, predominantly females, usually in first 3-4 decades of life Delayed onset (hours), pruritic erythematous papules, vesicles and plaques. Usually confined to sun-exposed sites Light testing, if positive nearly always shows a sensitivity in the UVA, but occasionally in UVB


6 Chronic Actinic Dermatitis (CAD)
80% of sufferers are male, 50+ years old Presentation varies but eczematous, often palpable appearance on light exposed sites is common Light testing positive results usually to UVA and UVB, sometimes UVA alone, occasionally visible light


8 CAD light test results

9 Solar Urticaria Rare and extremely disabling
Immediate weal and flare reaction on light exposed areas Anaphylaxis possible if solar urticaria patient exposed to phototherapy – death possible!!! Reactions usually last 1-2 hours and resolve completely All wavelengths including visible light can induce reaction

10 Solar Urticaria test result

11 Typical testing regime
Wavelengths tested: 300nm, 5nm BW 5 – 120 mJ/cm2 ( 10 steps) 320nm, 10nm BW 686 – 5166 mJ/cm2 (7 steps) 350nm, 20nm BW 3.5 – 28 J/cm2 (7 steps) 370nm, 20nm BW 30 J/cm2 400nm, 20nm BW 50 J/cm2 450nm, 20nm BW 30 J/cm2 Read immediately, 24 hours


13 The problem Time consuming - full test >1 hour per patient
Expensive and bulky equipment Technical expertise to run the equipment Lamp ageing

14 LED skin sensitivity tester
ENFIS UNO light engine at 460nm Claimed O/P 4400 mW/cm2 AIM: To develop prototype LED device and measure its optical properties SolidWorks v2007 CAD package Bentham DM150 Spectroradiometer


16 MED Tester


18 Device characterisation
Position of collimating lens Beam profile Total power output Construction and end-product characterisation

19 Beam profile 4 source-lens separations (3,6,7,8 mm)
For each separation, beam profile at 7 axial points (4.3, 5,6,7,8,9,10 cm) At each axial distance, beam profile of +/- 4 cm Detector attenuation required due to intensity of output


21 Pin Hole System





26 LED device O/P 254 Monochromator O/P 41

27 Conclusion The LED device had a good beam profile across the device output port Bandwidth 23 nm (FWHM) Output exceeds existing arc lamp + monochromator system Future work – clinical trials, development of LED devices at other wavelengths

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