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AS English Language and Literature Q1: The Unseen.

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1 AS English Language and Literature Q1: The Unseen

2 The question never changes… Compare the way in which the texts achieve their purposes. You should compare: – How the texts are structured – How the purposes and contexts affect language choice. How does language and structure link to audience and purpose?

3 clear, detailed and undivided focus on the question with consistent, focused comparison throughout of significant aspects (AO1) consistently accurate use of language and appropriate terminology (AO1) shows good and detailed understanding of the content of and ideas in the texts (AO2) shows good, detailed and thorough understanding and analysis of how language, structure and form create and shape meaning (AO2) shows good and detailed understanding of the importance of contextual factors (AO3) shows good and detailed understanding of attitudes and ideas conveyed in the texts together with clear and sustained comparison (AO3) supports and develops points consistently with examples from or reference to the texts clear, detailed and undivided focus on the question with consistent, focused comparison throughout of significant aspects (AO1) consistently accurate use of language and appropriate terminology (AO1) shows good and detailed understanding of the content of and ideas in the texts (AO2) shows good, detailed and thorough understanding and analysis of how language, structure and form create and shape meaning (AO2) shows good and detailed understanding of the importance of contextual factors (AO3) shows good and detailed understanding of attitudes and ideas conveyed in the texts together with clear and sustained comparison (AO3) supports and develops points consistently with examples from or reference to the texts

4 Text A is an advertisement for Abernethy biscuits. It was published on 19 June 1830 in the Courier, a Manchester newspaper.

5 Audience: -Readers of the Courier (Local paper- Mancunians) -Potential Customers of J Hutchinson -‘Young, aged, poor, grand’- wide appeal. Audience: -Readers of the Courier (Local paper- Mancunians) -Potential Customers of J Hutchinson -‘Young, aged, poor, grand’- wide appeal.

6 Text A is an advertisement for Abernethy biscuits. It was published on 19 June 1830 in the Courier, a Manchester newspaper. Audience: -Readers of the Courier (Local paper- Mancunians) -Potential Customers of J Hutchinson -‘Young, aged, poor, grand’- wide appeal. Audience: -Readers of the Courier (Local paper- Mancunians) -Potential Customers of J Hutchinson -‘Young, aged, poor, grand’- wide appeal. Purpose: Persuade- emphasis on health benefits Purpose: Persuade- emphasis on health benefits

7 Text B is an advertisement for Weston biscuits. It was published in Good Housekeeping magazine in 1943 during the Second World War

8 Audience: -Readers of ‘Good Housekeeping’ -Women on the Home Front Audience: -Readers of ‘Good Housekeeping’ -Women on the Home Front

9 Text B is an advertisement for Weston biscuits. It was published in Good Housekeeping magazine in 1943 during the Second World War Audience: Readers of ‘Good Housekeeping’ Women on the Home Front Audience: Readers of ‘Good Housekeeping’ Women on the Home Front Purpose: Persuade- Suggests they contribute to war effort Purpose: Persuade- Suggests they contribute to war effort

10 Text AText B Audience Purpose Language Structure and presentation

11 Essay plan Introductory paragraph Language of Text A (linking to audience and purpose) compared with language of Text B linking to audience and purpose) Structure/ presentation of Text A (linking to audience and purpose) compared with structure/ presentation of Text B linking to audience and purpose)

12 Introductory paragraph Text A is a…………………………………….. It is aimed at ………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………It’s purpose is to ……………………………………………. Similarly, Text B is also a …………. ………………………. However, it is aimed at……………………………………… ………. It’s purpose is to ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Despite their differences in ………………………. both texts deal with the subject of…………………………………. Genre Audience Purpose

13 Language (A) Text A uses language to appeal to a wide audience of potential customers. In the opening line those ‘ young and aged, poor or grand/ Abroad, at home on sea or land’ are advised to go to ‘69 King Street, the King’s Arms’ to buy Hutchinson’s Abernethy Biscuits. The local references in the text would appeal to the audience, who are readers of the Manchester newspaper. The text continues to use contrasts to appeal to their wide audience: ‘If you are sick../ If you are well…’ This technique helps the text to achieve its purpose as it emphasises that no matter what your situation, you would enjoy and benefit from Abernethy biscuits.

14 Language (B) with comparison Text B also uses language to appeal to its audience. However, as the text was published in 1943 in the middle of the second world war, the audience is more specific than in text A. Most men were on the front line, and so the text is aimed primarily at women. It suggests that Weston biscuits actually support the war effort, as they are eaten by ‘the girls on munitions.’ The intended implication is that anyone who wants to support the war effort will eat the biscuits too. This is demonstrated in the opening to the advert when ‘Flo’ readily offers to stay and make more tanks for Russia.. The writer uses a pun in the line’ She fairly takes the biscuit’ to show she is going above and beyond to support her country in the war. She is used as an example to the text’s audience, thereby persuading them that they too should eat Weston biscuits.

15 Structure (A) Text A is structured as a 3 stanza poem written largely in rhyming couplets. The repetition that is created by this rhythm makes the poem memorable to the reader. The fact that the last line of each stanza (‘Hutchinson’s Abernethy Biscuits’) does not conform to this pattern and is repeated at the end of each stanza also helps to reinforce the persuasive nature of the text.

16 Structure (B) with comparison Text B makes more use of graphological features than text A. The use of the black and white line drawing of a cheerful woman appeals to the target audience and suggests that she is happy to be supporting the war effort, fuelled by eating ‘Weston biscuits.’

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